Harvard Professor Who Refuses to Use the Term ‘Pregnant People’ and Insists on ‘Woman’ is accused of Transphobia By Her Woke Ivy League Colleague

Harvard Professor Who Refuses to Use the Term ‘Pregnant People’ and Insists on ‘Woman’ is accused of Transphobia By Her Woke Ivy League Colleague

If an adult born of one biological sex later in life wants to pretend to be of the other biological sex, I don’t entirely care (so long as it does not negatively impact me or other people), but I DO NOT support this idiocy, where facts of life, like biological sex, are denied!

People should not be hounded online, or banned or suspended from social media, or receive hate mail from people, or face being fired from their job, for knowing and saying that most humans are born one sex or the other, or for stating or acknowledging truisms, such as men don’t get periods or get pregnant, and women don’t have testicles or penises.

Woke-ism does not respect science – but then, I suppose the idiots on the left consider science “whiteness,” and hence “white supremacy” (eye roll), so they’re fine with ignoring it, I suppose.

The far left activist crack-pots (and many in the Democrat Party) are demanding everyone else in society speak in their woke terms and deny scientific realities. This is not okay.

(Link):  WOKE ROW Havard professor Carole Hooven who refused to use term ‘pregnant people’ rather than ‘woman’ is accused of transphobia 

(Link): Harvard lecturer blasted by colleague for defending existence of biological sex

Harvard lecturer Carole Hooven took heat from her own colleague after an appearance on Fox News this week in which she asserted that biological sex is real and defended the continued use of terms like ‘pregnant women’ and “male and female.”

“The ideology seems to be that biology really isn’t as important as how somebody feels about themselves, or feels their sex to be,” Hooven told “Fox & Friends” Wednesday. “The facts are that there are in fact two sexes — there are male and female — and those sexes are designated by the kind of gametes we produce.”

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