Conservatives Are Now “DINK” Shaming – It’s Not Enough for Marriage Idolizing Conservatives to Shame Single Women for Being Single, They Even Bash Married Couples for Being Happily Childless

Conservatives Are Now “DINK” Shaming – It’s Not Enough for Marriage Idolizing Conservatives to Shame Single Women for Being Single, They Even Bash Married Couples for Being Happily Childless

Finally, I’m going to cover the recent “DINK” upset that got other Conservatives into a tizzy.

The media began talking about DINKs back in the 1980s, by the way.

The DINK thing is nothing new, but I believe marriage-worshipping doofi like Walsh is only in his what, mid to late 30s right now, maybe early 40s? I actually grew up in the 1980s, so I remember this stuff.

Below is a series of links and embedded tweets about this situation, along with some of my rebuttals and observations along the way.

(Link): What’s a DINK? Here’s what it’s like to be a couple that revels in having ‘dual income, no kids’

by Carly Caramanna
June 1, 2022

…What’s a DINK? It’s an acronym that stands for “dual income, no kids,” and is widely interpreted as two people living together as partners with no children of their own (and no plans to have kids) who are thriving in their careers and personal lives.

…I’m a proud DINK. My husband and I are both in our late 30s and have chosen the DINK life — and no, we aren’t those “married to our career” types.

While we both enjoy success in our fields, we enjoy a deep bond that I can’t imagine would be possible if I had to give so much of myself to caring for a child. We are not selfish individuals, but instead, selfish with the time we have together for the sake of our relationship.

Conservatives Don’t Stop At Insulting Single, Childless Adults But Also Hammer Any Married Couples Who Are Childless (and Who Are OK with  being Childless)

I wonder why so many Conservatives bother to shame and insult single women for being single, when, even should that woman marry, they will STILL shame and insult her if she or her husband cannot or do not want to have children? They’re very per-snickety about how they think other people should be living their lives.

(Before any liberals, Democrats, or progressives cheer: you guys can shut up, too, because you do things like hold up traffic by gluing your hands to streets,  you want to out-law gas stoves and gas-operated leaf blowers, you mock women like me for choosing to be celibate, you scream at women that they should allow men into their locker rooms  under “trans rights,” etc)

I’m a conservative. I am not anti-marriage, nor am I anti-parenthood, nor am I anti-Nuclear Family. I am not a feminist.

However – I very much recognize that many other Conservatives have turned marriage, parenthood (especially motherhood) and The Nuclear Family into idols.

Many other Conservatives have put marriage, parenthood, natalism, and the family onto a pedestal they not only worship, but they love to insult, shame, and guilt trip any adult who is not married or is not a parent, or who does not want to be married or a parent.

(Often, these Conservative, marriage-worshipping idiots overlook single adults who had wanted to  be married or a parent but could not do so – because they couldn’t find a partner, or they’re infertile.)

A couple of weeks ago, a married couple (or two) who is happy to be childless (or childfree) made a video discussing the perks of being a childless couple.

Some Conservatives caught wind of it, and started bashing them and DINKs (Double Income No Kids) generally.

Days there-after in posts on X (Twitter) started popping up where some Conservative accounts I follow were mocking and insulting that couple for being a childless couple who appreciate the perks of being childless.

I personally do not care if any married couple does not want to have children.

Or maybe they do, but they are infertile and cannot have children.

I don’t sit around getting upset if other adults are childless or not – not even if it’s by choice. Some people are just not interested in having kids, and that’s fine.

It’s un-biblical, just plain rude, and narcissistic projection to assume that because YOU’D feel meaningless and unhappy single or with no children, and that you cannot imagine life without a spouse and children, means that all other adults would feel the same way.

We don’t.

I’m middle aged, and I have never married or had children, and I’m fine. I don’t sit around curled into the fetal position sad and weepy, filled with regret, that I don’t have a spouse or kids (I never cared much if I had children or not, and I made peace with my singleness status years ago).

While I cannot STAND the “woke” progressive, “support men who say they are women getting access to women’s locker rooms” progressives, I am also no fan of the Conservatives who behave like the ONLY way to be happy and successful in life is to follow their very, overly-narrow (far too narrow) viewpoint of, “Get married by age of 25 and have several children, because anything less means your life is utter garbage and will be second rate.”

For the Nuclear- Family- worshipping Conservatives who claim to be Christians:
The Bible itself does not even teach that meaning, purpose, happiness, identity, and joy can be found only in marriage, parenthood, and the nuclear family, FFS.

Jesus of Nazareth never married or had children.

1 Corinthians 7 said that singleness is commendable and in some ways better than marriage.

The Bible does not say anywhere that marriage is “the norm” or that it should be  the norm, or that God considers it the norm. We’re no longer living in the days of Genesis, but of the New Testament church age.

Jesus mentions in the Gospels that companionship can and should be sought outside of one’s biological family and in one’s spiritual family (fellow believers in Jesus).

(Link): The rise of the DINKs (dual income, no kids): Meet the young couples shunning babies so they can afford luxury vacations to Bora Bora, impromptu date nights and splurges at Costco

by Helena Kelly
April 24, 2023

Working couples who haven’t had children are dividing TikTok by bragging about their infant-free lifestyles which include splurging money on Costco shops, date nights and luxury vacations.

The term ‘DINK’ – which means ‘dual income, no kids’ – has gone viral on the video sharing app as more and more couples opt out of having babies.

The expression actually dates back to 1987 and was first coined by the Los Angeles Times – when researchers noted that stalling incomes were deterring would-be parents from starting families.

But it has been re-popularized by online influencers amidst red-hot inflation, high childcare costs and broader economic uncertainty.

Newly-wed Kate Anderton asked her 105,000 TikTok followers: ‘Why is nobody talking about being DINKs?’

‘Well I’m freshly married and I’m going to talk about. Here’s a day in the life of DINKs in our early 30s.’

She proceeds to show a video of herself and her husband Brian shopping in wholesale store Costco – where they spent $252.88.

In other clips, the couple, from Minnesota, share a glimpse into their date nights – which include spending the evening in a hot tub and three course meals out of the home.

Anderton, who works as a wedding content creator, revealed that she earns more than her husband, adding in one comment he refers to her as his ‘sugar mama.’ …
— end excerpts —

How are married with no children couples “jerks” for showing off the benefits of their extra income and so on, when Conservatives regularly feature and applaud for mothers who bray on about,
“Oh, I am so happy since I gave up my paying career to be a full time wife and mother?” – how is that sort of thing any less obnoxious?

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