Conservative Jews question notions on dating, marrying only Jews – Equally Yoked

Conservative Jews question notions on dating, marrying only Jews

It’s interesting to see people of other faiths question this (intermarriage).

(Link): Conservative Jews question notions on dating, marrying only Jews

As for Christians, I no longer accept or agree with the “Be Equally Yoked” teaching.

If you’d like to know why I’m no longer on board with it, I have several posts on that topic, including, but not limited to these posts:

If you do a search for the phrase “equally yoked” using this blog’s search feature, you can find even more, similar posts.

I’ve also done posts about Mormon women having problems finding Mormon husbands – there are more Mormon, single women than there are Mormon, single men.

When you tell women it is sin or wrong for them to marry outside of their faith, you are dooming them to a life time of singleness.

And I use the word “doom” there because some religious ladies want very much to marry – I was one. I find myself single past age of 40, however.

I’ve had to learn to grieve and cope with and accept being single, and there were next to no resources for me; I had to find my way alone. Most literature by Christians about singles like me shames and blames me for my singleness, rather than help me navigate my life as it is.

(Link): Conservative Jews question notions on dating, marrying only Jews

A few excerpts:

  • Jan 08, 2015 by Lauren Markoe
  • (RNS) Whether Jews should only date and marry other Jews is not a new question, but it’s one that has come into stark relief in recent weeks.

    In two separate instances in December, groups within Conservative Judaism—the second-largest movement of American Jews—appeared to challenge some of their own rules that discourage interfaith dating and matrimony:

    • A prominent Conservative rabbi asked his Massachusetts congregation to consider allowing him to preside at weddings between Jews and non-Jews, as long as the couples committed to raising Jewish children.
    • The Conservative movement’s youth group adopted a policy that seemed to relax a ban prohibiting its leaders from dating non-Jews.
  • Unlike rabbis in Reform Judaism, the largest American stream of Judaism, Conservative rabbis may not preside at interfaith marriages. Conservative Judaism has stood fast on this, even as it has embraced female rabbis and same-sex weddings and welcomed the non-Jewish spouses of congregants into its synagogues.
  • But Rabbi Wesley Gardenswartz of Temple Emanuel in Newton, Massachusetts, said he floated the proposal because he wanted to keep families connected to his synagogue.
  • … “Jewish tradition says Jewish marriage occurs between Jewish people,” she said. “As rabbis, our role is to teach, inspire, and promulgate that tradition.”
  • … To Rabbi Rick Jacobs, head of the Union for Reform Judaism, the Conservative movement stands at the same crossroads where the Reform stood about a generation ago. As he put it, an increasing number of Jews are recognizing that “intermarriage is a fact of life, as gravity is.”

That paper also contains quotes from conservative Jews who bemoan this (ie, intermarriage) as an affront to Judaism. Christians who are staunchly against Unequally Yoked marriages are the same way.

Once you start putting your religion, or rules, or the institution of marriage, above the welfare and happiness of human beings, you’ve made an idol out of marriage.



(Link): When Mormonism Sounds Like Gender Complementarian Christianity – Also: Man Shortage in Mormonism Just Like Christianity

(Link): Should Christian Women Marry Non Christian Men? (discussed at another blog) Be Not Unequally Yoked Dangerous Teaching to Single Christian Women

(Link): ‘Chained wives,’ refused Jewish divorces by their husbands, take to social media

(Link):  Forced Child Marriages in Canadian Jewish Cult

(Link): Forget About Being ‘Equally Yoked’ – Article: ‘My Abusive ‘Christian’ Marriage’ (written by a lady at another blog)

(Link): Wife of Christian Preacher Shoots, Kills Him, Recounts Years of Physical and Sexual Abuse – So Much for the Equally Yoked Teaching and the Notion that Christian married sex is Mind Blowing

(Link): Christian Host Pat Robertson Tells Christian Woman Who Married Christian Man Who Turned Out to Be Totally Unethical That She has Discernment of a Slug – Single Women: toss Be Equally Yoked teaching in the trash can

Male Entitlement In Dating and In Marriage – Single Christian Men Who Feel Entitled – Part 1

Male Entitlement In Dating and In Marriage  – Single Christian Men Who Feel Entitled – Part 1

Stay tuned for a Part 2 to this post [August 2016: I did intend on doing a Part 2, but now, I’m not sure if I’ll get around to it or not. I might. I don’t know]. This is Part 1, and it’s pretty long.

I have been meaning to do a post about this topic for a long time.

First, here are a couple of pages about a newly released dating advice book, aimed at single women and written by a couple of men who are in their early 30s.

These authors think male entitlement is a given, and women should go along with it if they want a husband:

(Link):  ‘You should prepare his meals and massage his feet’: New dating guide written by men offers women brutally honest advice on how to snag a husband 

“Single Man, Married Man” was penned by seven New York-based men who are single, engaged, married and divorced

It argues ‘all men’ who say they don’t want to get married are ‘lying’

According to one author, men lie to ‘get their women to listen’ and insists telling the truth is ‘risky’

Another suggests men are more likely to feel guilty about changing their barber than cheating on their partner

 A new book written by a panel of men seeks to advise women on the ‘do’s and don’ts’ of dating from a brutally honest male perspective.

Single Man, Married Man was compiled by childhood friends Jean Alerte, a 33-year-old married businessman who owns a Brooklyn yogurt shop, and Frank Gateau, a 32-year-old ‘serial dater’ who works in PR.

…Mr Alerte and Mr Gateau [who wrote the book] – who claim that when men say they don’t want to get married, they’re ‘lying’ – spent three years surveying more than 300 male subjects online and in person to arrive at their conclusions.

One contributor described as single mentions the song ‘Cater 2 U’ by Destiny’s Child as being an anthem that ‘should be on every woman’s playlist and kept on repeat.’

He advises: ‘Prepare his meals, draw him a bath and massage his feet every now and then.’
— end excerpts —

No, let me tell you how it really is.

If a man wants to be with me, he will massage MY feet every now and then, prepare meals FOR ME, and draw ME a bath.

I am not going to “cater” to his behind. I’ve been down that road before, and it is unrewarding and so not worth it (more on that below).

Continue reading “Male Entitlement In Dating and In Marriage – Single Christian Men Who Feel Entitled – Part 1”