60 Year Old, Never- Married Woman Asks Christian TV Host Pat Robertson If Some Are Just Not Meant to Marry

60 Year Old, Never- Married Woman Asks Christian TV Host Pat Robertson If Some Are Just Not Meant to Marry

Below, in this post, is a video on You Tube, via ‘700 Club,’ uploaded on October 25, 2018, in which a 60 year old woman says she “never found a godly man to marry” and her church never has any men her age there.

She asks Robertson if some people are just never meant to marry.

As I’ve been saying on this blog for ages now, you cannot count on God, prayer, churches or Christians to fix you up with a spouse, because they won’t (churches will even shame and scold you for asking).

The woman says she’s never found a “godly” man to marry – I think that is Christian code-speak for “I haven’t found a Christian man to marry.” This woman has probably been brain-washed into accepting (Link): the “Equally Yoked” teaching.

Single ladies, if you are Christian and want marriage, the numbers are stacked against you, as I’ve explained in numerous posts before. You need to get away from this “I must marry a  Christian and only a Christian” belief, or you will end up in your 40s, never married like me, or like this 60 year old woman.

It’s better to find a kind-hearted, loving Non-Christian man to marry than end up at 60 never having been married because you could not find a compatible Christian man – there are no single Christian men in churches for you to meet and marry who are over age 30 and under age 80. They don’t attend church.

The men who claim to be single and Christian on dating sites – you can give them a try, but my experience in years past on dating sites is that the self-professing Christian males on dating sites are just as, if not, more obsessed with sex (they want to have sex prior to marriage, or they creepily tell you upfront about their sexual habits and prefs on their dating profiles, which is a huge turn off) and the Christian men on dating sites are just as crass and crude (if not more so) as some Non-Christian men.

One thing I find a bit strange about this video is that Pat Robertson seems like he’s trying to be really sensitive and nice to this woman.

I find Robertson’s sensitivity to this older lady out of character for Robertson because-

Robertson, in the past, has been very rude and insensitive in his replies to never-married women who tell him they are 40-something and would like a husband, but they cannot seem to meet decent guys.

Robertson has shamed and criticized all of the 40-something marriage minded women I’ve seen so far, telling them they sound “desperate” and so, he says, they won’t ever attract any man.

See my previous posts for examples of that behavior by Robertson:

(Link): Pat Robertson’s Incredibly Insensitive Advice to Gail the Unmarried Woman 

(Link):  Pat Robertson Says 44 Year old Never Married Woman Who Wants Marriage is “Desperate”

(Link):   Pat Robertson Feigns Ignorance At Allegations He’s Been Insensitive Towards Older Single Christian Women Who Cannot Find Marriage Partners

But Robertson sounds as though he’s trying to be delicate with this 60 year old woman in this particular “Ask Pat A Question” segment (embedded below on this page).

My only guess is that Robertson is ageist against women ages 40 – 59 who’d like to marry; he’s willing to be sensitive to a never-married 60 year old who wanted marriage and didn’t get married, but he’s harsher on 40-something women who are in the same position.

Robertson must feel (I am speculating here) that a 60- year- old has no chances of being married anyhow, hence, his rationale to her that while being single can be difficult and lonely at times, she should count on church friends for companionship (which probably won’t work see (Link): this post for more).

He’s not even suggesting that she still has time to get married, and here are steps X, Y, and Z she can take to marry. He just seems to assume she has no shot at marriage, so she should just make the best of life as she can as a single.

Robertson must assume that a 40 something woman stands a greater chance of getting married than a 60-something, which is why he often paints 40- something, marriage- desiring women as being ‘desperate,’ but not the 60 year olds.

Robertson again repeats his mantra, as he always does, every time someone writes to him about being single and alone, about how “God puts the lonely in families.”

No, God does not put the “lonely in families.” Ever since my mother (who was my best friend) died several years ago, God did not send me any close friends or a spouse. I remain as alone as I ever did. God has not “put me in a family.”

(What living family I have remaining are usually hyper-negative, critical, and verbally abusive, so I accepted years ago that I cannot count on them for companionship. Churches have been no bueno – they are married-people fixated, the Christians I run into tend to be judgmental.)

It simply is not true that God puts all solitary people into families or provides them with friends or companionship.

A few days before or after answering this question from this particular single woman on his television program, Pat Robertson received a question from a woman, (and I don’t recall what her question was), who wrote to him saying she was getting married for the first time at age 60 or 61 (I had meant to do a blog post about that but never got around to it).

So, some people do get married for the first time later in life – I have examples on this blog of folks who got married for the first time at age 44, 58, and other ages. Here’s an example or two:

(Link): The Grief, Happiness, and Hope of Late-in-Life Singleness by H. Ferguson (she married for first time at age 58)

(Link): Male Preacher Marries For First Time At Age 44

Here’s the video, you can see the letter and Robertson’s reply first hand (Link) You Tube Video:
– You may or may not want to visit the You Tube page this is on and scroll to the bottom, to see the comments below it- several people left comments saying they are still single at age X or Y or Z:


(Link):  James the Single 40-Something Guy Asks 700 Club’s Pat Robertson Why Churches Don’t Help Singles

(Link): Cathy The Single Woman Asks Pat Robertson Why God Has Not Replied to Her Prayers for Years to Send Her a Spouse

(Link):  Never-Married Adult Man Named Stephen Asks Christian Host Why God Has Not Answered His 3-Decades Long Prayers To Send Him A Wife

(Link): Joanne The Widow Lady Wants to Know Why God Didn’t Answer Her Prayer to Keep her Husband With Her

(Link): Unmarried and Childless Women Are the Happiest, Happiness Expert Claims (2019 Study)

(Link):  The One Thing Evangelical Leaders Don’t Want Christians to Know about Mixed-Faith Marriages (two links). by C. Cassidy

(Link): Pat Robertson’s Incredibly Insensitive Advice to Gail the Unmarried Woman 

(Link):   Typical Conservative Assumption: If you want marriage bad enough (or at all), Mr. Right will magically appear

(Link): Those “God Brought Me My Spouse” Stories – Woman Says God Brought Her A Spouse on the Beach

(Link): How One Man Has Broken Up 4,000 Relationships and Caused 17 Divorces In Just 10 Days

(Link):  Single People Aren’t Problems to Be Fixed or Threats to Be Neutralized By Ella Hickey

(Link):  What Two Religions Tell Us About the Modern Dating Crisis (from TIME) (ie, Why Are Conservative Religious Women Not Marrying Even Though They Want to Be Married. Hint: It’s a Demographics Issue)

(Link): Myths About Never Married Adults Over Age 40

(Link):  How the Dating Scene Became Stacked Against Women

(Link): It’s Not Your Imagination, Single Women: There Literally Aren’t Enough Men Out There – Re: Man Shortage – Follow Up Interview 

(Link): Following the Usual Advice Won’t Get You Dates or Married – Even Celebrities Have A Hard Time

(Link):  Pat Robertson Says 44 Year old Never Married Woman Who Wants Marriage is “Desperate”

(Link):Woman’s First Marriage at Age 40+

(Link): Pat Robertson Says 44 Year old Never Married Woman Who Wants Marriage is “Desperate”

(Link):   Pat Robertson Feigns Ignorance At Allegations He’s Been Insensitive Towards Older Single Christian Women Who Cannot Find Marriage Partners

(Link):  Celibate Christian Woman Asks Christian Host (Pat Robertson) Why God Will Not Send Her a Husband

(Link):   Christian Host Pat Robertson Tells Christian Woman Who Married Christian Man Who Turned Out to Be Totally Unethical That She has Discernment of a Slug – Single Women: toss Be Equally Yoked teaching in the trash can

(Link):   All Dating Advice is as Terrible As the People Who Give It by Oliver Burkeman

(Link):  Consider The Source: Christians Who Give Singles Dating Advice Also Regularly Coach Wives to Stay in Abusive Marriages

(Link):  How the Dating Scene Became Stacked Against Women

(Link):  Stop Telling Your Single Friends to Try Dating Sites – Please. 

(Link):  Blaming the Christian for His or Her Own Problem or Unanswered Prayer / Christian Codependency

(Link):  What Two Religions Tell Us About the Modern Dating Crisis (from TIME) (ie, Why Are Conservative Religious Women Not Marrying Even Though They Want to Be Married. Hint: It’s a Demographics Issue) 

(Link):  Christians Advise Singles To Follow Certain Dating Advice But Then Shame, Criticize, or Punish Singles When That Advice Does Not Work

(Link): ‘Why Are You Single’ Lists That Do Not Pathologize Singles

(Link): “He’s Got Muscles” – Pat Robertson Weirdness (Discussing Tebow’s Sexiness)

(Link): Pat Robertson says ‘Virginity Has Nothing To Do With Marriage’ and Says (Paraphrasing) ‘Virginity Was Fine For Mary But Not Applicable For Any Other Christians’

(Link): Christian TV Show Host Pat Robertson Disrespects Virginity – Says Pre-Marital Sex Is “Not A Bad Thing”

(Link): Pat Robertson Expects Men to Commit Sexual Sin (and it’s not the first time)

(Link): Pat Robertson: (basically): Pre Marital Sex is Okay (or to be totally expected) Because People are “Sexual Beings”

(Link): Robertson Defends His Horrible Advice to Married Woman

(Link): Don’t Be Pat Robertson: Learn That, Yes, Abusive Jerks Masquerade As Nice Guys Until They Marry the Woman Then They Abuse Her – Pat Blames A Woman Again For Marrying A Jerk

(Link): Is Pat Robertson of The 700 Club Show some kind of secret perv? He’s Creepy

(Link): Forget About Being ‘Equally Yoked’ – Article: ‘My Abusive ‘Christian’ Marriage’

(Link): Gender Complementarian Advice to Single Women Who Desire Marriage Will Keep Them Single Forever / Re: Choosing A Spiritual Leader

(Link): Married Female Christian Blogger Whose Mate Hunting Criteria is Guaranteed to Keep Marriage Minded Single Christian Men Single Perpetually

(Link): Another Example of Why the Equally Yoked Teaching is A Joke for Single Christian Women : Baptist Preacher Arrested for Allegedly Fire Bombing Ex Girlfriend’s House While She Was In It

(Link): Obnoxious and Sexist Preacher Mark Driscoll Wants Christian Singles to Stay Single Indefinitely – And Even Though Unwanted, Prolonged Singleness has Been a Huge Issue For Christian Singles for A Couple Decades Now – Driscoll: ‘Christians should not marry pro choicers’

(Link):  Depressing Testimony: “I Was A Stripper but Jesus Sent Me A Great Christian Husband”

(Link): Stop Believing God Told You to Marry Your Spouse by G. Thomas

(Link):  Women: Stop Asking Pat Robertson For Romantic Relationship Advice – Whether You Are Divorced or Single  – Pat Robertson Replies to Letter from Four Time Divorced Woman Who Wants to Know If God Will Send Her a Non-Abusive Husband

(Link):  Christians Advise Singles To Follow Certain Dating Advice But Then Shame, Criticize, or Punish Singles When That Advice Does Not Work

(Link): Abusers Hide In Churches – Equally Yoked Does Not Help Single Christian Women Who’d Like to Marry

(Link): Want To But Can’t – The One Christian Demographic Being Continually Ignored by Christians Re: Marriage