Christian Woman Married Christian Man She Meet Via Dating Site Who Tried to Murder Her After Their Divorce – Spotting Those Cluster B Red Flags

Christian Woman Married Christian Man She Meet Via Dating Site Who Tried to Murder Her After Their Divorce – Spotting Those Cluster B Red Flags

I am watching an episode of the true crime program “Evil Lives Here,” one which first aired in 2023. The tv guide blurb for this episode reads:

Sara Pitcher thinks Shawn Spink is a man of God, but she’ll soon endure three-and-a-half hours of pure terror to save herself from the darkness within him; police believe Sara’s survival is a miracle – even so, her life will never be the same

The woman in this true crime episode, Sara Pitcher, is a Christian, and she indicated at the top of the episode that when she was looking for a boyfriend or husband on a dating site, she was very clear about what she was looking for – she seemed to suggest she would only date or marry another Christian.

So, she meets Shawn Spink on this site, and they got to know one another. She said he seemed to be a genuinely good guy who really loved God, and she said he knew the Bible well.

When they were thinking about getting married, she wanted a church wedding, so the church required them to get pre-marital counseling at their church, so they met with a counselor.

During this meeting, Sara says (this is my paraphrase of what she said) that Shawn was acting belligerent, he was talking over her, he would speak up and correct her in front of the counselor and say, “that never happened, here’s what happened…”

At one point, Shawn excused himself briefly to use the bathroom, leaving Sara alone with the counselor, who advised her that she should not marry Shawn. Sara rationalized away the counselor’s concerns and continued to date Shawn and consider marriage to him.

Sara says she and Shawn started praying together, attending church together, and reading the Bible together.

There again, notice – this guy she was dating and planning on marrying, Shawn, gave off all the external signs that he must be a Christian. A true Christian. A real Christian.

But he ended up being abusive to her – keep reading, as I’ll get into that later.

I already spotted several red flags before they got around ten or so minutes into the show.

Her now ex husband, Spink, displayed some classic Cluster B personality traits.

A lot of Cluster B disordered or traited persons, whether they are Sociopaths, Narcissists, or BPDs or whatever else (there’s also Psychopathy and HPD), will try to rush you into a relationship or some other huge commitment (like moving in together or having children together) at a very fast pace.

(Once they have you in that committed space, their behavior will often change, and they will become physically, sexually, financially, and/or physically abusive. It may start out as controlling behavior before it escalates.)

And that is exactly what happened in this story – Sara says they “moved fast.”

They went to church regularly, but, his now ex wife said on this show, “he didn’t live that out in his daily life.”

They eventually got married.

When a worker guy stopped by their house to repair something and then left, Shawn asked Sara about it, she replied it was the worker guy there to fix something in their house, Shawn got angry at her, and told her to never invite another man into their house, not even repair guys.

The way this incident was described on the show, Shawn’s anger about it came across as borne of jealousy, paranoia, and it was an over-reaction. No man should be that upset about his wife having a repair guy into the house to fix whatever in the house.

He later engaged in marital rape. He forced himself on her sexually.

Sara found a black punching bag Shawn put in the basement of their home where he had painted her name, “Sara” in white letters on it (the TV show displayed a photo of this).

She asked him about it, and he said he would never actually hit her – he’d rather hit the bag than hit her.

That was just plain weird and troubling. If your husband puts up a punching bag in your house with your name painted on it, he’s sending you a message – and it’s not a loving, normal message.

This guy became more controlling and abusive after they married, and some of  his other behavior became a little more irrational and strange, in other words.

This is also very common of Cluster B persons.
Once they have you trapped in a relationship that is tougher to dissolve or get out of, because you are married, or they’ve socially isolated you, or you’re financially dependent on them, that is when the abuse starts or escalates. Many of them are paranoid, easily jealous, and very controlling.

After awhile – she either separated from him or divorced, she moved out, he tracked her down and tried to suffocate her with a trash bag. He stabbed her face through the trash bag; he was trying to stab her through her eye but missed.

I will include a few links below about this news story.

I personally feel that the “equally yoked” rule as applied to dating and marriage is a waste of time for Christian single adults, especially for women.

I’ve got other examples on my blog of Christian single women who meet purportedly single Christian men in churches or on dating sites, and these Christian men end up being pedophiles or abusive.

You’re better off marrying a kind-hearted, moral, Non-Christian man than a man who professes Christ, even one who attends church regularly and who knows and can quote the Bible, who will end up abusing you, raping you, and trying to murder you by suffocating you with a trash bag.

There are more comments and resources below this link and excerpts:

(Link):  Arizona man who assaulted, stabbed ex-wife sentenced to life in prison


Prosecutors argued had Sara not fought for 3.5 hours, she would have been killed and she deserves to live the rest of her life without looking over her shoulder.

August 2022

PHOENIX — Sara Pitcher will never look at trash bags the same. It’s been nearly four years since Shawn Spink, her ex-husband, tried to suffocate her with one.

The trash bag was just one of many weapons he used on that September day back in 2018. Another was the knife Pitcher bought him on their wedding day.

“I can still hear the crunching of the knife going into my skull,” Pitcher said.

Continue reading “Christian Woman Married Christian Man She Meet Via Dating Site Who Tried to Murder Her After Their Divorce – Spotting Those Cluster B Red Flags”

Her Stepfather, Gary Hardy, Met Her Mother at Church, They Married, and He Began Stalking His Stepdaughter, Mailing Her Porn and Sex Toys

Her Stepfather, Gary Hardy, Met Her Mother at Church, They Married, and He Began Stalking His StepDaughter, Mailing Her Porn and Sex Toys

I watched a television show about this story. The show is called “Evil Lives Here,” it was first broadcast on 3-21-2021.

The stepdaughter (now an adult), Sarah Garone, was interviewed, and she says she was a Christian as a teen, she is still a Christian, and her Mother met what was to be her stepfather at their church.

She says on this show that her stepfather seemed like a normal, nice, goofy guy and a sincere Christian.

This is more evidence for me – anecdotal – that you have to judge a man based on his character, not by if he identifies as a Christian and/or if he attends church weekly.

I have other news stories on my blog of men who were rapists who met their Christian women targets on Christian dating sites, and these other women victims also said that these men identified as Christian on their dating site profiles and seemed like genuine Christians.

Sometimes, pedophiles intentionally seek wives in Christian churches – they want to marry an adult woman so they look less suspicious.

I think the “equally yoked” teaching is a big waste of time for single Christian women who’d like to marry

I don’t mean to shame or bash Christian single women who believe strongly in equally yoked,
but if you insist on maintaining this rule of “I will only marry a man if he’s a professing believer,”
you need to prepare for the harsh reality that the man you marry, should you marry, may end up being a pervert, a looney tune, or abusive – or some combination of all.

But more likely than not, considering that churches for many years now have way more single women than single men, stubbornly abiding by “equally yoked” means that you will never marry.

And the men who identify as Christian on dating sites and apps tend to be or act crass, perverse, or obsessed with sex. These are not “Christian” men most Christian single women will want to date or marry.

I was a very devout Christian from my childhood until my mid-40s.

I am not “anti” Christianity now, I am not an atheist, but I took a step back from the faith years ago, and it’s been educational and very helpful.

When you step back from the faith, you are less much less beholden to charismatic types who claim to be Christian, (so you’re less apt to be fooled and manipulated by them), and you’re more open to question how the faith or the Bible has been interpreted by the adults around you, and you can see when and if a professed believer is using the Bible to control and manipulate you.

I learned years ago that most Christians – even well meaning ones – are quite ignorant about abuse dynamics (whether it’s workplace abuse, domestic abuse, or child sex abuse), as well as mental or emotional health issues.

Most Christians can give advice that is far too simplistic in these situations (e.g., “just read the Bible and pray more!”), or they will victim-blame you and shame you if you are having an issue.

Also, if you are struggling with a serious problem or pain – such as this lady being stalked, or you’re dealing with a death in the family – no, most churches and many Christians will not give you non-judgmental emotional support at those times. And it hurts that nobody wants to be there for you.

It’s also infuriating, especially, if, like me, you spent years previously giving emotional and practical support to hurting people who came to you over your life.

I mention this because this Sarah lady says her church and Christian friends didn’t really seem to understand her situation, and they didn’t give her much moral support.

I’m not surprised. And those parts of her essays or interviews really resonate with me. I know what it’s like to be hurt or to be abused, and when you go to friends or family with your hurt, just wanting to feel heard and seen, just wanting comfort and emotional support, they find excuses to not respond to your e-mails or phone calls, or, they victim blame you and tell you to “just get over it already.”

When I was younger, I was naive or trusting enough to just assume that if I’m ever hurt, of course I can trust fellow believers in Christ to phone or e-mail me once in a while to check in to see how I’m doing.

Certainly after my mother died when I was in my late 30s, I got no emotional support, not even from Christian friends and family who routinely came to me for emotional support over the years.

So, as I got older, I found out for myself – and after talking to other Christians on other forums and blogs – that more often than not, no, other Christians, even ones you’ve attended church with weekly for years, will not check in with you to see how you’re doing.

Many self professing Christians, just like secular people, are very self absorbed and only care about themselves and what is going on in their own lives.

So, I am sorry if this woman felt -and was in fact- unsupported by her church family and Christian friends back when this was going on, but I cannot say I am surprised.

I know if you’re hurting, or really stressed out, it can be immensely helpful and healing to have a trusted, empathetic friend (or family member) who you can call, and they will take your call, and just listen to you pour your heart out without judging you or giving unsolicited advice.

But the number of adults who will do this for another adult are very rare.

I used to be one of those adults, I was a very caring person who would drop everything to take hours-long phone calls from frustrated or sad friends and family.

But after years of doing that from a place of Codependency (I didn’t have boundaries), I was not getting my needs met in return, and I got burnt out.

I no longer have the patience, stamina, or interest in listening to other adults complain or cry for hours over weeks or months about their problems.

I’m also not altogether surprised by her story, that her own stepfather was a pervert who was mailing her sex toys and so on. I’ve spent the past several years doing a lot of research on Narcissism, Sociopathy, and a little in the areas of Borderline Personality Disorder, Bipolar Disorder, etc.

The more I research these topics, the more I believe that people can do the most vile, disgusting, weird things to other people or to animals.

This lady says she has found healing, so I am happy for her. I’m glad she was able to process what happened and move on and enjoy life again.

A lot of the traits her stepfather have do seem indicative  of one or more Cluster B disorders.

I read a dating advice book a few months ago that educates readers on how to spot Cluster B persons and avoid them – it’s a dating advice book that I need to write a commentary on soon.

Suffice it to say, researching Cluster B disorders (which includes but is not limited to BPD – which is Borderline Personality Disorder – Narcissism, and Antisocial Personality Disorder (sociopathy and psychopathy)) will definitely help you steer clear of a lot of these toxic people and educate you on how to manage them and deal with them if you must.

You will also need to research what makes you vulnerable to attracting or tolerating Cluster B’s in the first place, because a lot of Cluster B’s actively or else subconsciously feel out targets for their vulnerabilities to control them through those weak points.

For me, one of my key vulnerabilities that made me attractive to and putting up with Cluster B’s was being a Codependent (a very empathetic People Pleaser who lacked healthy boundaries and who didn’t recognize abuse as being abuse – my Mother taught me that people yelling and screaming at me was normal and acceptable behavior that I should just allow).

Anyway, be aware, especially if you are an unmarried Christian woman who believes in the “equally yoked” dating and marriage rule,
that abusive, perverted men attend church every week,
those men will say they are a Christian, they claim to believe in Jesus,
and they do “Christian” – like behaviors, such as quote Bible verses in their dating site and dating app profiles or in their conversations with you over e-mail or the phone or in-face dates.
None of that stuff makes them an actual Christian, however.

(Be sure to study the topic of Communal Narcissism. Some Narcissists are active church members who can appear very godly in a church context, or in volunteering at a charity, but they treat their family members or spouse like trash in private, behind closed doors. )

You can really only deduce if someone is an actual believer by getting to know them in person and observing them and their behavior over a year.

Note that contrary to a lot of religious and secular conservative rhetoric about marriage and parenthood, that marriage and parenthood do not improve someone’s character – sure didn’t keep this Gary guy from stalking and sexually harassing his own stepdaughter.

This does not mean I stand opposed to marriage or parenthood, only I do not think my fellow conservatives should keep making claims for marriage and parenthood that are not true.

And lastly, contrary to the Christian “how to get married” advice I was exposed to as a teen and 20 something, no, one does not have to be godly, or reach some level of perfection, before they can land a spouse, or before God will send them a spouse or “reward” them with one.

Plenty of un-godly, perverse, and abusive scum buckets manage to marry every year, even ones who are Christian and attend church, so God is not with-holding marriage from everyone.

(Link):  Stalked by her stepfather for 10 years, this woman found a way to heal

In the wake of the #MeToo movement, Sarah Garone shared her experience of being stalked by her “sociopath” stepfather.

September 24, 2029
By Meghan Holohan

In 1996, Sarah Garone rushed to the mailbox and tore open a package addressed to her. The incoming freshman felt sure it contained news that she had made the cheerleading squad at her high school in Chandler, Arizona.

But that wasn’t it at all. Instead, it contained pornography sent from an anonymous person. Shocked, the then 13-year-old had no clue this delivery would be the start of nearly a decade of stalking and harassment.

 Over the years, this mysterious person sent her anonymous love letters, hacked her email and shared her private messages, stole her underwear, sent her subscriptions to lingerie catalogs and mailed her a sex toy. Finally, in 2005, the police had a suspect; they asked her if she knew someone named Gary Hardy.

She did. He was her stepfather.

[She suspected something was ‘off’ about her stepfather Gary Hardy for years, but he was very good at gaslighting her and good at denial]…

At the time, the newly married Garone and her husband, Anthony, looked for support from their friends, who were mostly from a young adult Bible group. Yet, they received little help.

“No one understood the magnitude of it, and it would get brushed off,” Garone said. “It is such a bizarre — and it is a really difficult — incident for anyone to relate to.”

But the #MeToo movement, which started to go viral in late 2017, motivated Garone to open up. She was featured in an episode of the podcast “Criminal” and wrote an essay for The Washington Post. Talking about her experience has helped.

Continue reading “Her Stepfather, Gary Hardy, Met Her Mother at Church, They Married, and He Began Stalking His Stepdaughter, Mailing Her Porn and Sex Toys”

Can American Congregations Learn To Embrace The Uncoupled? by E. E. Evans

Can American Congregations Learn To Embrace The Uncoupled? by E. E. Evans

One or two points I’ve made at this blog going back years, is that churches are so obsessed with married parenthood, that even if you are currently married with children, if your children die, or if they age and move out of the house, your church will not be as welcoming to you, because you no longer have young children at home.

If your spouse dies, your church will have no use for you, and the remaining married couples will no longer hang out with you; they will view you as a potential threat and “marriage wrecker,” and they will practice the “Billy Graham Rule,” so married persons at the church will shy away from you, refuse to be seen alone with you, lest other members just assume you two are having an affair.

If you’re a married person, your spouse may die young, your spouse may develop dementia, and you will go from partners to care taker and patient, or, your spouse may divorce you – you need to develop friendships outside of your marriage.

Churches will not help you out in that area – they view all single adults, whether you are never married, widowed, or divorced, as being threats; they won’t want to be seen with you or invite you out anymore.

(Link): Can American Congregations Learn To Embrace The Uncoupled?


by Elizabeth E. Evans

[The article discusses what I’ve been blogging about here for ten or more years: the number of single adults is growing, more adults are either opting out of marriage or delaying age of first marriage – and yet many churches either ignore singles to fixate on married with children couples, or they shame single, childless adults for being single, childless, which will not make more marriages happen.
The article also mentions that churches continue to face declining memberships, but many churches try to off-set the loss by appealing to young, nuclear families]

… The emphasis on family ministry, however, is stuck in the demographics of midcentury America, when houses of worship were thriving. “The church model that worked in 1960 doesn’t work anymore,” said Peter McGraw, a professor of marketing and psychology at the University of Colorado at Boulder and author of the recently published “Solo.”

In an environment where churches are hoping to attract and retain members, McGraw argues, “Why do anything that marginalizes a large group of your congregation?”

…That includes, he suggests, not only creating inclusive congregational groups, but details like making sure that promotional materials such as emails and newsletters target everyone.

Evangelical churches seem to be the most dedicated to pursuing families as members — or creating families out of their unpaired members.

… Younger singles aren’t the only ones looking to be included. Lindy Dimeo, 68, a retired crisis pregnancy center director, is a member of Blue Ridge Community Church, a small evangelical church near Charlottesville, Virginia. Dimeo and her husband played in the worship band together, but after he died, she took a few months off. “At the time it was hard living a single life in a family-oriented culture.”

Continue reading “Can American Congregations Learn To Embrace The Uncoupled? by E. E. Evans”

Conservative (Christian?) Not The Bee Account Blocked Me On X – For Pointing Out They’re Marriage and Parenthood Idolizers and Hypocritical about Sexual Mores, Singleness, Childlessness

Conservative (Christian?) “Not The Bee” Account Blocked Me On X – For Pointing Out They’re Marriage and Parenthood Idolizers and Hypocritical about Sexual Mores, Singleness, Childlessness

Sometime the evening of January 28, 2023, the clowns at “Not The Bee” blocked me!

The Not the Bee account blocked me over this post on X (Twitter), and I put a screen cap of it here below (I will resume commentary about this situation below the screen capture):


I recently published a blog post about how yes, Planned Parenthood is wrong to publish anti-virginity content as they’ve done before,
but I pointed out to various conservatives who posted against it on “X” that they’re often the VERY SAME conservatives who insult or scold single, childless adults for being single and childless.
(That post is here: (Link): Planned Parenthood Hammered After Sharing Video Redefining Sex Act as Whatever ‘You’ Want It To Be)

Which is rather hypocritical.

You can’t (if you want to be consistent) simultaneously support virginity for teens and young adults…
but then turn around and criticize those same adults for still being a single virgin (hence no children) years later – when they’re age 30+ and still not married with children –
but that is exactly what hyper-pro-marriage/parenthood types like Matt Walsh, Lyman Stone, Al Mohler, Eric Conn, and accounts like “Not the Bee” do.
(That is also what marriage- and motherhood-idolizing Southern Baptists have done for years; I wrote a little bit about it in this post.)

Before I continue, I should state that I am a conservative.
I am not a liberal nor a progressive. 

I am also not opposed to marriage, parenthood, or the nuclear family, but I’ve noticed for years now that too many other conservatives, especially religious ones, have turned marriage, parenthood, and the nuclear family into Golden Calves that they worship. compsWorshipGoldenCalfMeme

Such conservatives go far, far beyond what the Bible teaches about marriage, parenthood and family, to turn all three into idols, then they frequently lash out and shame any adult who is over age 25 or so who is still single (whether by choice or by circumstance), and they mock any adult (single or married) who does not have children.

Jesus speaking:

“Anyone who loves their father or mother more than me is not worthy of me; anyone who loves their son or daughter more than me is not worthy of me. (Matthew 10:37)

That is quite the odd thing for Jesus to say if Jesus – being God in the flesh – was nearly as “pro Nuclear Family” and into singles-shaming as are the average conservatives of today.

The fact that a minority of people on the far left may make anti-nuclear family (or anti-parenthood) commentary does not mean the correct way, wisest way, or most advantageous way, of dealing with such rhetoric, is to bash, shame, and insult adults for being single and childless.

Continue reading “Conservative (Christian?) Not The Bee Account Blocked Me On X – For Pointing Out They’re Marriage and Parenthood Idolizers and Hypocritical about Sexual Mores, Singleness, Childlessness”

Illinois Christian Teacher Robs Grindr Dates at Gunpoint

Illinois Christian Teacher Robs Grindr Dates at Gunpoint

Gender complementarianism, which includes the “male headship” principle, and the “equally yoked” (ie, Christians should only marry another Christian) belief are shown to be worthless and jokes when one continually sees these news stories about self-professing Christian men who end up being abusive dirt bags, like this guy. I’m assuming he’s Christian.

Maybe he’s Non-Christian, but his employer is Christian? Regardless, my point still stands – this point is applicable to others.

(Link): Grindr hook-up brought a gun and an accomplice to rob Rogers Park man: prosecutors

January 13, 2024
by CWBChicago

CHICAGO — The suburban Christian school teacher accused of robbing and invading the home of a man he chatted up on Grindr, the gay dating app, is now charged with committing a similar crime in Rogers Park last June.

Incredibly, court records say the Rogers Park victim identified Antoine Perteet, 33, as his assailant in early July. But prosecutors did not charge Perteet with the crime until now. If the allegations are true, Perteet victimized at least one other person after authorities identified him.

…Now, prosecutors have laid out similar allegations against Perteet in connection with the June 28 robbery in the 1900 block of West Morse. In recently filed papers, prosecutors said Perteet met the man on a dating app, and the victim agreed to let Perteet and another man come to his home.

(Link):  Police: Illinois Christian School Teacher Robbed Grindr Dates at Gunpoint

by Olivia Rondeau
January 14, 2024

An Illinois Christian school teacher is accused of using the gay hookup app Grindr to set up unsuspecting victims to violently rob them, with investigators linking him to two cases so far.

Antoine Perteet, a physical education instructor and security officer at the Lions Mathematics and Science Christian Academy in Waukegan, about an hour outside Chicago, is implicated in incidents that took place in June and October 2023, officials say.

Prosecutors say Perteet and another unnamed suspect invaded the home of a Cicero man who the teacher had been chatting with on Grindr before allegedly tying him up, gagging him, and robbing him at gunpoint on October 8, reports CWBChicago.

Continue reading “Illinois Christian Teacher Robs Grindr Dates at Gunpoint”

Pastor Who Raped Daughter, 14, Gets Light Prison Sentence Because He Is A Man of God (2019)

Pastor Who Raped Daughter, 14, Gets Light Prison Sentence Because He Is A Man of God (2019)

Contrary to what my fellow conservatives say – both the secular and religious ones – parenthood, marriage, and the nuclear family do not improve society, and so do not make people more ethical, responsible, godly, mature, or loving. I have many more examples on my blog that testify to that.

The “Equally Yoked” rule as applied to dating and marriage by many Christians is ridiculous and a waste of any single Christian’s time, since a profession of faith in Christ, regular church attendance, and/or working as a pastor (!!) are not guarantees that the individual in question is a quality person, actually lives out Christian teachings and ethics, or is an actual Christian.

News stories like this demonstrate how fallacious Christian Gender Complementarianism and male headship are.

Churches are not necessarily any more safe to find a suitable partner to date and marry – since so many perverts and abusers attend or work for churches.

I’m just now seeing this 2019 news story in 2023. I don’t know why I didn’t see it earlier.

The judge who went easy on this rapist scum is a piece of shit.

(Link):  Tennessee pastor who was facing 72 years in prison for repeatedly raping his adopted daughter, 14, is jailed for just 12 after dozens of parishioners show up to court to support him

A former Tennessee pastor who repeatedly raped his adopted teenage daughter has been given an effective 12 year prison sentence after dozens of parishioners showed up to court to support him.

(Link): Ex-pastor who raped adopted daughter receives 12 years


May 13, 2019

KNOXVILLE, Tenn. — A former pastor who repeatedly raped his adopted teenage daughter has been given an effective 12 year prison sentence.

The Knoxville News Sentinel reports prosecutors sought the maximum term of 72 years behind bars. The judge cited David Richards longtime ministry and the support he still receives as mitigating factors.

More than 30 people showed up to support Richards at the sentencing last week.

(Link): Pastor who raped daughter, 14, gets light prison sentence because he is a man of God


May 13, 2019
by Jacob Geanous

A pastor facing life in prison for raping his 14-year-old daughter was shown mercy by a judge who was impressed by his alleged religious faith.

David Richards, 41, was sentenced to 12 years in jail on Thursday in Knox County Tennessee for raping his adoptive daughter – 60 years less than the maximum term sought by prosecutors.

As he handed down the lenient sentence, Judge Steve Sword cited Richard’s work as a pastor and the Bible study he began in jail as mitigating factors.

Richards was found guilty of rape, incest, and sexual battery by an authority figure for abusing his daughter, Amber Richards, for two years beginning when she was 14, according to the Knoxville News Sentinel.

Continue reading “Pastor Who Raped Daughter, 14, Gets Light Prison Sentence Because He Is A Man of God (2019)”

Pastor Allegedly Raped Girl Since She was 7 Years Old (Even At Church He Worked For), Dropped Off Baby at a Fire Station After She Secretly Gave Birth, Police Say

Pastor Allegedly Raped Girl Since She was 7 Years Old (Even At Church He Worked For), Dropped Off Baby at a Fire Station After She Secretly Gave Birth, Police Say

Being a parent (or stepparent), or being part of a nuclear family, does not, contrary to what my fellow conservatives say, make a person more godly, loving, responsible or ethical.

The “Equally Yoked” rule as applied to dating and marriage by many Christians is ridiculous and a waste of any single Christian’s time, since a profession of faith in Christ, regular church attendance, and/or working as a pastor (!!) are not guarantees that the individual in question is a quality person, actually lives out Christian teachings and ethics, or is an actual Christian.

News stories like this demonstrate how fallacious Christian Gender Complementarianism and male headship are.

Churches are not necessarily any more safe to find a suitable partner to date and marry – since so many perverts and abusers attend or work for churches.

I am not sure if this pastor is married or not. Around the time I was composing this post, I did a fast search on him but was unable at that time to find if he is married or not. If he is married – being married does not instill character into a person. A person can be married and still behave like a dirt bag.

(Link): Houston area pastor arrested after allegedly raping underage family member over 600 times, impregnating her

Court documents allege the pastor started sexually assaulting the minor when she was 7 years old

October 9, 2023

The Houston area pastor accused of raping and impregnating one of his underage family members is now in custody and appeared in court on Monday.

(Link): Pastor ‘raped girl since she was seven years old before she got pregnant at 16’

A pastor named Robert L. Carter has been charged after a 22-year-old girl reported to the police that she has been a victim of sexual assault by him since she was seven, even giving birth to his baby

by V. Barbia
Oct 12, 2023

A pastor has been charged after a woman claimed to the police that he has been raping her since she was seven-years-old.

Robert L. Carter, 39, has been arrested and is being held on a $100,000 bond at Harris County Jail in Texas for allegedly sexually abusing her for 12 years. The girl, now 22, told police that it all began with him disrobing in front of her, exposing himself to her, and bribing her with candy.

She said that one night when she was seven years old, the pastor walked into her bedroom and made her perform oral sex to him. After that night, raping became a regular occurrence, almost every day, she said, according to court documents.

The court documents allege Carter would force himself on the young girl while other family members were sleeping. The girl also said that when Carter would drive her to school, he would stop on the way at an H-E-B store and sexually abuse her in the parking lot.

Sometimes, she said, he made her watch pornography. The pastor also sexually abused her at the Greater Bible Way Church in Sunnyside, Houston, where he worked.

The gruesome details the girl revealed don’t end there, as, according to a criminal complaint, the girl said that the pastor impregnated her when she was 16, and she gave birth to a baby boy in a closet which the pastor then surrendered to a fire station. The baby has since been adopted, she said.

The sexual assaults continued until the girl was 19, according to her account. The girl claimed that the assaults occurred at least 600 times. “It happened a lot over the years,” she told police.

At one point, the girl told Carter she was “not doing this anymore,” and he got mad and threatened her by saying, “if you don’t do this, I promise you’re going to regret it. I’m going to make your life a living hell,” court documents allege.

(Link): Pastor allegedly raped girl since she was 7 years old, dropped off baby at a fire station after she secretly gave birth, Houston police say
– (Link): Archived Page


Oct. 6, 2023
by Carlos Garcia

Robert L. Carter, 39, allegedly first raped the girl in 2008 and did so hundreds of times since then, according to a criminal complaint.

The girl’s father told KPRC-TV that Carter had been like a family member when he took advantage of his daughter. He didn’t want to be publicly identified in order to keep his daughter’s privacy.

(Link): Houston-area pastor accused of raping family member since she was 7 years old, impregnating her


Arrest warrant stated the girl ‘gave birth to her baby in a closet,’ then the baby was dropped off at a fire station

October 5, 2023

A Houston-area pastor is facing serious charges after being accused of raping a child and impregnating her, court documents stated.

According to an arrest warrant, the rape started when the victim was 7 years old and lasted into her late teen years, happening more than 600 times. With Robert L. Carter now charged with a felony, the alleged victim’s father is speaking out.

Continue reading “Pastor Allegedly Raped Girl Since She was 7 Years Old (Even At Church He Worked For), Dropped Off Baby at a Fire Station After She Secretly Gave Birth, Police Say”

Married Baptist Preacher Wears His Wife’s Clothing, Makes Trans Porn Online – With Perverts Like This, Who Exactly are the Single (Christian) Women, that Lyman Stone, Al Mohler, Mark Driscoll, Matt Walsh (etc) Insult for Being Single, Supposed to Marry?

Married Baptist Preacher Wears His Wife’s Clothing, Makes Trans Porn Online – With Perverts Like This, Who Exactly are the Single (Christian) Women, that Lyman Stone, Al Mohler, Mark Driscoll, Matt Walsh (etc) Insult for Being Single, Supposed to Marry?

Update: After this news broke, this guy committed suicide, and some left of center persons (example) are wanting us to pity this guy, or to chalk this up to “Anti LGBTQism”

Every several months, secular and religious conservatives like to insult and shame all women for being single.

Now, I grew up Baptist, and a lot of Christians have this dopey – and I now believe it to quite possibly be unbiblical – doctrine called “equally yoked,” where they have taught young single women for decades to only date and marry other Christians.

The problem is, most churches and denominations are filled with more single women than men, so there are no single men for the single women to date, let alone marry.
In my personal experience of having once been a devout Christian who tried dating sites and matching only with Christian men, the quality of the men on such sites was lacking – also, many of the ones who were on the dating sites were downright sleazy and gross.

So, for the conservatives who keep insulting single women for being single (which you should stop doing), where exactly are all the good looking, sweet, kind, steady- paycheck- earning single men of ages 30 and on up for all the single women you want the women to marry? I couldn’t find any during my single years.

And let me tell you, I’d rather remain single than end up marrying a selfish, abusive, or perverted man.
The guy below is a pervert. He works as a Baptist preacher (and as a mayor), and he is married! I’d rather stay single than marry a guy like this (I also find him physically unattractive – he’s bald, and a little on the fat side, and he has the face only a mother could love).

It is better for a woman to remain single than to end up marrying an abuser, a narcissist, a sociopath, a psychopath, a self absorbed jerk, a pedophile, a man who is into bestiality, or a crossdresser or a transgender.

And Matt Walsh, Al Mohler, and all the rest won’t lift a finger to actually help single women get married, and they cannot guarantee that if you are a single woman who gets a marriage proposal that your spouse- to- be won’t end up being abusive, irresponsible, a pervert, etc.

So, the marriage pushing conservatives who like to promote marriage by insulting singleness and insulting single women for being single can kindly SHUT UP.

The Al Mohlers, Matt Walshes, Mark Driscolls, and Lyman Stones and all the rest, only like to complain about single women being single but provide no tangible help for the single women who’d like to marry but have been unable to find a “Mr. Right.”

If you’re not going to provide workable help or actual solutions – and telling women to skip college, skip career, or “marry very young” are not workable or actual solutions for most women, and sure as hell not for women who’ve already made it to age 30+ still single – then stop complaining about single women being single!

I think Matt Walsh, Mark Driscoll, and Ben Shapiro (all marriage idolizers) all have daughters – would they rather their daughter stay single past age 30 or end up marrying a trans pervert like the guy in this news report???

Let the following news story also go to show, once again, that marriage does NOT make a person more godly, ethical, loving, or responsible.

This news item (among others like it on my blog) also demonstrates that God does not with-hold a spouse from a single adult unless and until they “clean up their life” or become better, more godly, or whatever. If God is permitting perverts like this guy to marry, he sure as hey is NOT denying YOU a spouse for doing far less!

(Link): This Alabama mayor and pastor was outed for apparently living a double life as a trans woman “to relieve stress”

(Link): The secret life of Smiths Station Mayor and Baptist pastor F.L. ‘Bubba’ Copeland as a ‘transgender curvy girl’: ‘It’s a hobby I do to relieve stress’


by Craig Monger
Nov 1, 2023

In 2016, when F.L. “Bubba” Copeland challenged incumbent Smiths Station Mayor LaFaye Dellinger, he ran with the vision of growing the Lee County hamlet between Opelika and Phenix City.

…However, during this time, he also had a secret life playing out online on social media and Reddit.

Smiths Station’s mayor operated social media accounts as a transgender woman under the pseudonym Brittini Blaire Summerlin.

Despite maintaining what appears to be an active online alter ego, Copeland continues to perform his pastoral duties at the First Baptist Church of Phenix City, regularly preaching and singing.

In the social media posts, Copeland can be seen wearing several articles of his wife’s clothing, as shown by her social media.

Additionally, Copeland regularly commented on other posts, referring to himself as a “thick transgender woman” and encouraging other transgender individuals to go on Hormone Replacement Therapy (HRT). Copeland also posted transgender pornography, often giving vivid captions describing being a “whore” and getting “f****d.”

Continue reading “Married Baptist Preacher Wears His Wife’s Clothing, Makes Trans Porn Online – With Perverts Like This, Who Exactly are the Single (Christian) Women, that Lyman Stone, Al Mohler, Mark Driscoll, Matt Walsh (etc) Insult for Being Single, Supposed to Marry?”

Married Man, Former Youth Pastor, Arrested for Filming Teen Girls in His Church’s Bathroom

Married Man, Former Youth Pastor, Arrested for Secretly Filming Teen Girls in His Church’s Bathroom

Marriage, contrary to conservative propaganda, does not make people more godly, mature, responsible, or ethical or make society safer, as this news story below shows (I have many other such examples on this blog).

I’m a conservative by the way, and I am not opposed to marriage, but I sure do disagree with other conservatives who have turned marriage, parenthood, and The Nuclear Family into idols they worship.

Also, “equally yoked” is a joke.

If you’re a single Christian woman who’d like to marry, you need to include Non-Christian men in your dating pool, because in the end, it doesn’t make a difference; so many church-attending, Jesus-professing men are actually child molesting, abusive slime balls.

Not all Non-Christian men are loving and wonderful, but, you will increase your odds of getting married the more types of men you consider dating. You have to examine what a man DOES, not what he CLAIMS TO BELIEVE (about Jesus or whatever topic).

People with Cluster B disorders (including Communal Narcissists) and pedophiles are drawn to easy prey and easy targets, which includes churches.

Most Christians do tend to be too trusting and naive, which makes it that much easier for Slime Buckets with personality disorders or sexual proclivities to sucker, con, and fool church members to get access to their kids or adult women to molest or to exploit in some other way.

Let this also go to show that a person (contrary to so much “how to get married advice” from back in the day) does not have to achieve some level of perfection or godliness before God will permit that person to marry or send them a spouse. A person can be a total pond scum, abusive, piece of maggot-ridden filth, and God does not with-hold a spouse from that person.

(Link): S.C. Youth Pastor Accused of Filming Girls in Church Shower: ‘Incident of Moral Misconduct’

Daniel Kellan Mayfield, 35, is accused of illegally filming at least six women and girls, some as young as 14 years old

…According to police, some of the alleged incidents occurred in the bathroom at Gowensville Baptist Church in Landrum, S.C., where Mayfield was working as a student pastor, per WCSC.

(Link):  Youth pastor charged with filming woman showering, girls as young as 14 in bathroom

June 8, 2023
by Jon Brown

A youth pastor in upstate South Carolina has been charged after allegedly filming multiple women and girls as young as 14 while they showered or used the restroom, including while at church.

Daniel Kellan Mayfield, 35, who served as youth pastor at Gowensville Baptist Church in Landrum since 2016, was arrested in Boiling Springs and charged last week with five counts of first-degree sexual exploitation of a minor and one count of voyeurism, according to local WCSC.

Continue reading “Married Man, Former Youth Pastor, Arrested for Filming Teen Girls in His Church’s Bathroom”

Man Fatally Stabs His Wife During Bible Study

Man Fatally Stabs His Wife During Bible Study-

Sorry this lady is dead – but – this goes to show what I’ve been saying all along: marriage does not confer special character traits into people and improve them, as so many marriage-promoters (the same guys who promote The Nuclear Family, parenthood, and natalism) keep pushing, that marriage supposedly makes people more godly, loving, mature, responsible, ethical, and so on.

Also: “equally yoked” doesn’t guarantee you’re marrying a quality spouse. I’m not sure if the man mentioned in this news story is a Christian himself or not, but…  I have plenty of examples on my blog of self-identifying Christians who are arrested for beating or murdering their spouse or for molesting children and goodness knows what else.

If I understand the news story correctly, both the murdered woman and the husband had children from previous marriages(?). This also goes to show that parenthood is not a guarantee of happiness and safety in life, or of instilling good morals and virtue into a person.

(Link): Minnesota man stabs wife to death during family bible study

March 24, 2023

A deranged Minnesota man with a violent past stabbed his wife to death during a family bible study at a relative’s home earlier this week, officials said.

Robert Castillo, 40, of St. Paul was charged with second-degree murder of his wife, 41-year-old Corinna Woodhull, after allegedly knifing her repeatedly at a St. Paul residence around 9 p.m. Tuesday, according to the Ramsey County Attorney’s Office.

(Link):  Minnesota man fatally stabs wife during Bible study, asks if she’ll be OK: police

Corrina Woodhull begged a witness, “Don’t let me die,” after Robert Castillo stabbed her, court records say

 March 24, 2023
by Chris Eberhart

A Minnesota man allegedly stabbed his estranged wife 20 times during a Bible study before she begged a witness, “Don’t let me die,” court documents say.

By that time, Corrina Woodhull was soaked in blood from stab wounds that Robert Castillo had allegedly inflicted through her torso, chest and arms, according to a criminal complaint that was obtained by Fox News Digital.

The alleged assault unfolded in front of several witnesses around 9 p.m. Tuesday in a Saint Paul home, where Castillo’s sister lives and hosts a weekly Bible study.

…By 9:39 that night, Woodhull was pronounced dead in the hospital, and Castillo was charged with second-degree murder, along with two other felonies.

Continue reading “Man Fatally Stabs His Wife During Bible Study”

The Myth of the Career Woman by M. Notkin – Why Women Are Still Single in Their 30s and Older

The Myth of the Career Woman by M. Notkin

I’m a conservative, but I’ve been beyond fed up for years now at how so many other conservatives, as well as sexists of whatever variety, assume that the reason why most women are single past the age of 30 is because they chose career before marriage.

Along with that is the other annoying, very wrong, and sexist assumption by men online that all of us women who remain single past the age of 30 had lots and lots of “nice guys” who wanted to date us back in our 20s, but we coldly, cruelly turned them all down.

I don’t know what the hell those men are talking about, because I did not have lots and lots of men asking me out on dates when I was in my twenties.

But it’s simply not true that all women choose career over “marriage and family.”

Why aren’t men giving up careers to be stay at home fathers, taking care of children?

I never cared much one way or the other if I ever had children, but I had wanted to be married. And I’m not single because I “chose career over spouse.”

I have more observations about this essay below:

(Link): The Myth of the Career Woman by M. Notkin

The image of the single, childless “career woman” is drawn so sharply in our minds, so deeply ingrained in culture and overused in media, it obfuscates the real story. Contrary to popular belief, most working women are not putting their careers ahead of love, marriage and motherhood.

Never mind that there are no “career men” — no one accuses a single, childless man of prioritizing career over love and family just because he’s single and can pay the rent.

But women are made to wear this label — though I have yet to meet a woman who has declined a date with a guy she’s interested in because she’d rather be on a Zoom call.

While college-educated women are settling down and having children later than was once the case, the “career woman” is mostly a mid-century myth, an outlier like Mad Men’s Peggy Olson, who belongs to a time when women went to college to earn their “MRS” degree.

Continue reading “The Myth of the Career Woman by M. Notkin – Why Women Are Still Single in Their 30s and Older”

Texas Pastor Caught with ‘BDSM’ and Bestiality-Themed Child Pornography Voluntarily Admitted He Has an Addiction, Feds Say

Texas Pastor Caught with ‘BDSM’ and Bestiality-Themed Child Pornography Voluntarily Admitted He Has an Addiction, Feds Say

I don’t know how conservative Christians can keep insisting upon “male headship” or male-only pastors, when so many male pastors end up being rapists and abusers.

Complementarians sometimes like to argue that complementarianism keeps girls and women safe – no, it does not. They seem to assume that men are more wise or moral than women… no, no they are not.

(Link): Former Faith Baptist Church pastor faces up to 20 years in prison after child porn arrest 

(Link): Pastor of Texas church ‘knew it was wrong,’ but kept downloading child porn, feds say 

Nov 14, 2022

The longtime pastor of a Texas baptist church was arrested on child porn charges after federal authorities said he downloaded and shared the explicit content — at times from the church.

David Lloyd Walther, the pastor at Faith Baptist Church in Round Rock, was charged with distribution, receipt, transportation and possession of child pornography, according to the U.S. Attorney’s Office for the Western District of Texas.

On this page, which is reporting on this crime, is this photo caption:

David Walther, wishing his congregation a Merry Christmas alongside a woman who appears to be his wife.

Ah, so he’s likely married.

Well, you know, contrary to most religious and secular conservatives, marriage does not fix society or make a person more ethical, responsible, loving, or mature. I am not against marriage, but I do very much dispute the undue emphasis that so many conservatives place upon marriage, parenthood, and the nuclear family.

Considering that so many self professing Christian men, even ones that pastor or otherwise work at churches, turn out to be rapists and perverts, if you’re a Christian single adult, you need to get rid of the “equally yoked” rule and open your dating pool to non-Christians.

There’s no advantage in sticking to Christians only, and there aren’t enough single Christian men for the women who’d like to date.

Also, contrary to most Christian “how to get married” advice I heard when younger, God is not going to with-hold a spouse from you because you’re not good or godly enough… God apparently allowed this pervert pastor below to marry, so there’s no litmus test for “earning” a spouse from God.

(Link): Texas Pastor Caught with ‘BDSM’ and Bestiality-Themed Child Pornography Voluntarily Admitted He Has an Addiction, Feds Say

Nov 11, 2022
by Matt Naham

A 56-year-old pastor at Faith Baptist Church in Round Rock, Texas who was caught with”BDSM” and bestiality-themed child pornography in his possession admitted he has an addiction, the Department of Justice alleges. David Lloyd Walther now faces federal charges for distribution, receipt, transportation and possession of child pornography.

According to the affidavit, which Law&Crime is not sharing in this instance because of how detailed it is, the pastor had a “BDSM” folder containing an image of a nude boy with a collar on his neck and being sexually abused, a similar image of a female toddler, and images of nude young boys and girls being restrained by ropes and tools.

A “Zoo” folder allegedly contained a bestiality video involving a dog and a female toddler “likely less than three years old.”

The feds allege that the defendant also downloaded several videos through BitTorrent showing young girls being sexually abused by adult men.

Continue reading “Texas Pastor Caught with ‘BDSM’ and Bestiality-Themed Child Pornography Voluntarily Admitted He Has an Addiction, Feds Say”