Can American Congregations Learn To Embrace The Uncoupled? by E. E. Evans

Can American Congregations Learn To Embrace The Uncoupled? by E. E. Evans

One or two points I’ve made at this blog going back years, is that churches are so obsessed with married parenthood, that even if you are currently married with children, if your children die, or if they age and move out of the house, your church will not be as welcoming to you, because you no longer have young children at home.

If your spouse dies, your church will have no use for you, and the remaining married couples will no longer hang out with you; they will view you as a potential threat and “marriage wrecker,” and they will practice the “Billy Graham Rule,” so married persons at the church will shy away from you, refuse to be seen alone with you, lest other members just assume you two are having an affair.

If you’re a married person, your spouse may die young, your spouse may develop dementia, and you will go from partners to care taker and patient, or, your spouse may divorce you – you need to develop friendships outside of your marriage.

Churches will not help you out in that area – they view all single adults, whether you are never married, widowed, or divorced, as being threats; they won’t want to be seen with you or invite you out anymore.

(Link): Can American Congregations Learn To Embrace The Uncoupled?


by Elizabeth E. Evans

[The article discusses what I’ve been blogging about here for ten or more years: the number of single adults is growing, more adults are either opting out of marriage or delaying age of first marriage – and yet many churches either ignore singles to fixate on married with children couples, or they shame single, childless adults for being single, childless, which will not make more marriages happen.
The article also mentions that churches continue to face declining memberships, but many churches try to off-set the loss by appealing to young, nuclear families]

… The emphasis on family ministry, however, is stuck in the demographics of midcentury America, when houses of worship were thriving. “The church model that worked in 1960 doesn’t work anymore,” said Peter McGraw, a professor of marketing and psychology at the University of Colorado at Boulder and author of the recently published “Solo.”

In an environment where churches are hoping to attract and retain members, McGraw argues, “Why do anything that marginalizes a large group of your congregation?”

…That includes, he suggests, not only creating inclusive congregational groups, but details like making sure that promotional materials such as emails and newsletters target everyone.

Evangelical churches seem to be the most dedicated to pursuing families as members — or creating families out of their unpaired members.

… Younger singles aren’t the only ones looking to be included. Lindy Dimeo, 68, a retired crisis pregnancy center director, is a member of Blue Ridge Community Church, a small evangelical church near Charlottesville, Virginia. Dimeo and her husband played in the worship band together, but after he died, she took a few months off. “At the time it was hard living a single life in a family-oriented culture.”

… Mainline Protestant churches also have room for improvement, said the Rev. Jennifer Schultz, pastor of Bethlehem Lutheran Church in Los Alamitos, California.

…But Schultz believes Christian communities are playing catch-up when it comes to welcoming singles, whether young adults, widowed or divorced. “One of the gifts of the church is that it has the potential to be a community for a variety of people. But I do think maybe we’re kind of behind the ball on that.”

McGraw suggests congregations reevaluate their tactics to redefine “family” to include broader feelings of community.

You can read that article in its entirety (Link): here

Said one commentator at the bottom of that page:

by Jane King

When I lost my husband several years ago, I just assumed that I would continue on at my 170 member evangelical church. “We are a family,” was often preached from the pulpit and at first, that seem to be the case. But, as the weeks and months went by, it became apparent that I, as a widow, was no longer valued as a person there. In fact, I remember joking with a friend that the only two things I was allowed to do at church anymore was write checks and keep my mouth shut. As much as I loved that church, I eventually left. It still breaks my heart.


(Link):  Single Adults Why They Stay and Why They Stray (from church) Book Excerpts

(Link): Christians Advise Singles To Follow Certain Dating Advice But Then Shame, Criticize, or Punish Singles When That Advice Does Not Work

(Link): When Marriage and Motherhood Become Idols by J. Oshman

(Link): Would Jesus Shame Single Christian Women? [No, He Would Not] by G. Dalfonzo

(Link):  Relationships Of Welcome, Not Fear (Re: How Sexist Christian Views Marginalize and Isolate Adult, Single Women and Maintain Other Stereotypes About Adult Singles)

(Link):  Another Christianity Today Magazine Editorial (2019) Expects Single Women To Meet the Needs of Married Women – Christians Never Ask the Reverse

(Link): Widower to Advice Columnist Talks about Being Stereotyped by Married Couples or Ignored by Other Marrieds Since His Wife has Died

(Link):  Can We Stop Saying Singleness is God’s Will? by Anonymous via Sheila Wray Gregoire

(Link): What Christians Really Think About the Church’s Relationship Advice by Anna Broadway

(Link):  Depressing Testimony: “I Was A Stripper but Jesus Sent Me A Great Christian Husband”

(Link): The Horrible, Contradictory Christian Advice on How to Marry That Keeps Single Christian Women Perpetually Single – excerpts from a piece by Gina Dalfonzo

(Link): To the Christians (especially married ones) Who Like to Instruct Single Christian Adults They Should Only Marry Other Christians, Listen Up (Re: Equally Yoked Rule)

(Link): The Irrelevancy To Single or Childless or Childfree Christian Women of Biblical Gender Complementarian Roles / Biblical Womanhood Teachings

(Link): Married Father, SBC Pastor, Who Wrote Complementarian Marital Advice Books With His Wife Fired After Flirting With, Texting, Other Men and Underaged Boys

(Link): Post by Sarah Bessey Re: Churches Ignore Never Married Older and/or Childless Christian Women, Discriminate Against Them

(Link): Christians: Please Stop Telling Singles that Their Singleness is “For God’s Glory” /  Owen Strachan’s “Being Single To Bring God Glory” Essay

(Link): Widower to Advice Columnist Talks about Being Stereotyped by Married Couples or Ignored by Other Marrieds Since His Wife has Died

(Link): Reclaiming Stolen Friendships – a post from Sanity’s Cove Blog – a blog post criticizing the Sexist, Anti – Singles Christian Billy Graham Rule 

(Link): Christians Should Stop Defending the Billy Graham Rule / How I Learned to Stop Worrying About the Billy Graham Rule and Love Like Jesus by T. Grigg

(Link):   Discipling Healthy Male/Female Relationships in the Church Part 1 by Wendy Alsup

(Link): Neither Fully Widow Nor Fully Wife – Married People Will Be Single Again (Married people who have spouses with dementia)

(Link): Lies The Church Tells Single Women (by Sue Bohlin)

(Link): Neither Fully Widow Nor Fully Wife – Married People Will Be Single Again (Married people who have spouses with dementia)

(Link): Celebrating Milestones in the Lives of Single Adults – by Anna Broadway

(Link): Christian Double Standard – Pray Earnestly For Anything & Everything – Except Marriage?

(Link): False Christian Teaching: “Only A Few Are Called to Singleness and Celibacy” or (also false): “God’s gifting of singleness is rare”

(Link): Acceptance (vs. Denial, Anger, or Should-ing) – Helps in Healing and Getting Through Painful Events and Dealing With Things You Cannot Change

(Link): Do You Need a Partner to Have a Happy Life? by D. LaBier

(Link): Why Are So Many Single Women Leaving the Church? by K. Gaddini

(Link): Husband-Hunting is the Worst Part of a Christian Upbringing – Christianity Made Me Obsessed with Finding a Husband – by B. Ramos

(Link): The Gift of Singleness – A Mistranslation and a Poorly Used Cliche’

(Link): There is No Such Thing as a Gift of Singleness or Gift of Celibacy or A Calling To Either One

(Link): Jesus Christ Removed the Stigma, Shame From Being Single and Childless – by David Instone Brewer

(Link):  ‘Why Are You Single’ Lists That Do Not Pathologize Singles by B. DePaulo

(Link): The Isolating Power of Family-Centered Language (How churches exclude singles and the childless) by E A Dause 

(Link): Middle-Aged Women Face a Crisis of Discipleship by M. VanLoon

(Link): Aged Out of Church by M. Van Loon (For Christians over the Age of 35 – 40 – Churches ignoring middle aged adults) 

(Link): Lifeway Research: Pastors Encourage Single Adults, Some Provide Targeted Ministries (How Churches Are Ministering to Adult Singles in 2022)

(Link):  Supporting Singles and How Churches Can Help Singles Get Married – Lessons from Match-Making by B. Lea

(Link):  Are Marriage and Family A Woman’s Highest Calling? by Marcia Wolf – and other links that address the Christian fallacy that a woman’s most godly or only proper role is as wife and mother

(Link):  Welcoming Singles Into Your Church by E. Metaxas via Gina Dalfonzo

(Link):  Why Do Churches Treat Singleness Like a Problem? via Relevant Magazine

(Link):  “Who is my mother and who are my brothers?” – one of the most excellent Christian rebuttals I have seen against the Christian idolatry of marriage and natalism, and in support of adult singleness and celibacy – from CBE’s site

(Link): Why Churches Don’t Have Singles Ministries (article)

(Link): BreakPoint Unfortunately Pushing the False and Un-Biblical “Society Needs Marriage and the Nuclear Family” Rhetoric (and I say this as a Conservative)

(Link): Bizarre: Women Who Are Genuinely Fine With Being Single or Childless and Who Publicly Admit It Deeply Disturb or Infuriate Sexist Incel Types and My Fellow Conservatives, Who Want Such Women to Harbor a Victim Mindset

(Link): Otherhood – An overlooked demographic – the Childless and Childfree Women and Singles Especially Women Who Had Hoped to Marry and Have Kids But Never Met Mr. Right (links)

(Link):  The Return of the Marriage Plot – Why everyone is suddenly so eager for men and women to get hitched by R. Traister

(Link): Why Aren’t More People Getting Married? Ask Women What Dating Is Like. by A. L. Sussman

(Link): The Reason Why Men Marry Some Women And Not Others by D. Brennan

(Link): Valentine’s Day Without A Valentine (Single on Valentine’s) by D. Ryan

(Link): Myths About Never Married Adults Over Age 40

(Link):   Why We Thought Marriage Made Us Healthier, and Why We Were Wrong by Bella DePaulo

(Link): Typical Conservative Assumption: If you want marriage bad enough (or at all), Mr. Right will magically appear

(Link): Christians Advise Singles To Follow Certain Dating Advice But Then Shame, Criticize, or Punish Singles When That Advice Does Not Work

(Link): The Myth of the Career Woman by M. Notkin – Why Women Are Still Single in Their 30s and Older 

(Link): Never-Married Adult Man Named Stephen Asks Christian Host Why God Has Not Answered His 3-Decades Long Prayers To Send Him A Wife

(Link): Are There Any Protestant or Baptist Singles – Friendly Churches or Denominations ? / Singles Single Adult Childfree Childless Age 30 40 50 Christian

(Link): Are Single People the Lepers of Today’s Church? by Gina Dalfonzo

(Link): If the Family Is Central, Christ Isn’t

(Link): Do You Rate Your Family Too High? (Christians Who Idolize the Family) (article)

(Link): Never Married Christians Over Age 35 who are childless Are More Ignored Than Divorced or Infertile People or Single Parents

(Link): Unmarried America: How Single Adults Are Changing the Face of the U.S. and What It Means for the Church by R. Hurst

(Link): Pew for One: How Is the Church Responding to Growing Number of Singles? by S. Hamaker

(Link): What Churches Should Do for Singles by T. Campolo

(Link): Salvation By Marriage Alone – The Over Emphasis Upon Marriage by Conservative Christians Evangelicals Southern Baptists

(Link): Isn’t It Time the Church Gave Singles a Break? (editorial from another blog)

(Link): 2008 Audio Interview with Julia Duin About Christian Singles

(Link): The Problem with Platitudes – for Christian single over 35 years old never married

(Link): List of Christian Singlehood Annoyances, Part 1

(Link): Are Christian Singles The New Second Class Christian? by Duke Taber

(Link): “Family-ing” Single Adults by D. Franck – How Churches Can Minister to Single Adults

(Link):  Update on Christian Rapist Man Who Used Christian Mingle Site To Pick His Victims (he liked to discuss Jesus and the Bible with them before raping them – other details in update) Equally Yoked Teaching IS A FARCE

(Link): Want To But Can’t – The One Christian Demographic Being Continually Ignored by Christians Re: Marriage

(Link):  What Two Religions Tell Us About the Modern Dating Crisis (from TIME) (ie, Why Are Conservative Religious Women Not Marrying Even Though They Want to Be Married. Hint: It’s a Demographics Issue)

(Link):  Celibate Christian Woman Asks Christian Host (Pat Robertson) Why God Will Not Send Her a Husband

(Link): The Gross, Shaming Natalism Propaganda on Gab Platform by Its Rude Members, Including By Roman Catholics and Other Conservatives

(Link): Mother Entitlement – Selfish, Self-Centered Mothers Complain that They Are Not Getting ENOUGH Mother Worship from Culture, Church, or Family on Mother’s Day and Some Moms Complain About Churches Showing Compassion to Childless Women

(Link): Is The Church Failing Childless Women? by Diane Paddison

(Link): Bride Battling Cancer Dies 18 Hours After Exchanging Vows

(Link): Christian Couple Dies in Helicopter Crash Hours After ‘Fairytale’ Wedding

(Link): Joanne The Widow Lady Wants to Know Why God Didn’t Answer Her Prayer to Keep her Husband With Her

(Link): When You’re Married and Lonely by J. Slattery

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