Frugal Mom-of-Two Sparks Fierce Debate After Revealing that She CHARGES Other Parents for Playdates with Her Children – Motherhood Makes Some Woman Petty

Frugal Mom-of-Two Sparks Fierce Debate After Revealing that She CHARGES Other Parents for Playdates with Her Children – Motherhood Makes Some Woman Petty

I understand things are expensive, the economy is bad now, so I can see people wanting to stick to budgets, but in my view, this woman is PETTY.

If I was a kid, and I went to a friend’s house, and later found out that the friend’s Mom was cataloguing everything I ate, how much electricity I used while there, and how many pumps from the soap dispenser I used, because she wanted my Mom to pay her back for all that, it would really turn me off, it would make me feel uncomfortable, and I doubt I’d want to associate with her son or daughter any further.

(Link): Frugal mom-of-two sparks fierce debate after revealing that she CHARGES other parents for playdates with her children

May 9, 2024
By Nova M. Bajamonti

A frugal mom-of-two has sparked fierce debate after revealing that she charges other parents for playdates with her children.

Brianna Weimar, from Monroe, Washington, took to TikTok to detail the demands that had landed her in hot water after she insisted on being reimbursed for snacks, soap and even electricity.

The 33-year-old shared screenshots of the resulting exchange with another mom in which her actions were branded as a ‘price-gouging scheme.’

Viewers were left stunned by the admission – but what do you think?

In the clip, which Briana originally shared with her 683,000 followers, she began: ‘I sent a Venmo request for $36 to my son’s friend’s mom after they came to our house for a playdate – and she sent me the rudest response.

‘I do not think I was in the wrong here but read these text messages and let me know what you think.’

Cutting to show the written exchange, she elaborated: ‘So I sent over my Venmo request and it just said: “Hey, I had a great playdate. I sent you a Venmo for $36 for food and supplies.”

‘But this other mom said: “Thanks for the hospitality but this is like a price-gouging scheme to make money,” and they called it a “bill.”‘

Briana doubled down though as she stated: ‘While her son was over, I just kept on my notes a running tab of everything that her son used during the playdate.

‘I made sure to put all the food her son ate. I counted the number of pumps that they used of soap when he washed his hands.

‘They played video games for 45 minutes, so I calculated how much that electricity cost was, and then divided it by two, so for my son and her son.

‘And then he did spill his juice on the carpet so I charged a clean-up fee.’

In the screengrab of her text, Briana listed out nine items that she had charged for.

Her prices included – but were not limited to – two juice boxes for $4, a bag of goldfish for $3, Gogurt for $2 and three squirts of soap during hand washing for $1.

The clip was flooded with comments with most disagreeing with her financial demands.

One person wrote: ‘Playdates foster friendships. Friendships aren’t transactional. This was uncalled for.’

Continue reading “Frugal Mom-of-Two Sparks Fierce Debate After Revealing that She CHARGES Other Parents for Playdates with Her Children – Motherhood Makes Some Woman Petty”

We’re ‘Anti-Mother’s Day’ Moms — We Love Our Kids, But We Deserve a Vacation to Do Whatever We Please This Sunday by A. Grace – Mother’s Day Should Be Abolished

We’re ‘Anti-Mother’s Day’ Moms — We Love Our Kids, But We Deserve a Vacation to Do Whatever We Please This Sunday by A. Grace – Mother’s Day Should Be Abolished

As if I needed more proof that Mother’s Day is a garbage holiday that everyone is wasting their time with – even people who are Mothers themselves are turned into insufferable cows who demand to be worshipped by everyone on Mother’s Day, some of them fight and squabble about Mothers’ Day and get angry at other Mothers for being celebrated on the day. I blogged about that here.

Time to abolish Mother’s Day, it serves no good purpose. All it does is stir up strife and resentment.

Nobody owes you recognition for being a Mother, not even your own children.

(“Honor your mother” in the Bible is not referring to giving non-stop validation to an attention-seeking, self pitying narcissist, which is what a lot of the obnoxious Mothers are who attack anyone who suggests maybe Mother’s Day should be scaled back for the well-being of others. Gratitude is not the same thing as obsequiousness or sycophancy (ass kissing).

Most women are mothers by choice. You chose to become a mother.

You should have known the risks and problems with it prior to becoming a mom.

One reason of several I was never keen on having children myself is because I recognized even as a kid how tiresome and unrewarding motherhood is, and you get no medals or awards for it, and you receive no help.

I knew all that even when I was a pre-teen watching my mother parent my two older siblings who were verbally abusive, obnoxious, bratty teens. Most of the parenting fell to my mother. My Dad would just come home from his job, zone out, and watch TV.

I knew from age five, seeing what other mothers put up with in stores – my Mom would take me along on her grocery shopping trips, and I would see kids around my age or younger pitching fits or screaming for candy and toys, while their mothers looked absolutely frazzled.

I saw such examples (even as a young child) and thought, “Yikes, I don’t think I am up for years and years of putting up with that, I don’t think I want to be a mother. It looks like a huge hassle.”

This article quotes various mothers who go on and on about how the greatest gift they can have for Mother’s Day is a day or two at an adult-only hotel where they get to sleep in all day and just scroll through their cell phones uninterrupted.

One person interviewed says to make sure you send the Mother in your life to an adults-only environment, not a “family friendly” one, because, she says, no mother wants to be around other people’s screaming children.

So, obviously, from what a lot of Mothers themselves say, Motherhood is an exhausting, un-rewarding lifestyle choice.

The following is coming from women who are Mothers, it’s not coming from Marxist, anti-Nuclear Family far leftists or from man-hating, liberal feminists.

If a lot of Mothers’ greatest, best idea for how to spend Mother’s Day is to spend time apart from their children and other people’s children (as this article states that it is), that is truly revealing of how terrible and draining Motherhood actually is.

Motherhood is not fun, full of joy, it doesn’t pump up one’s self esteem, or give one inner peace.
It’s monotony, one gets no time for one’s self, it is exhausting.
And yet, my fellow Conservatives keep trying to brainwash all women – the younger ones in particular – that their lives will be so! much! better! if only they have babies.

And screw the traditional family set up in this scenario, because this is one reason why Mothers suffer burn out.

That is, I am not against the Nuclear Family in and of itself but rather with how the Nuclear Family is typically organized in such a way that most of the responsibilities fall to the woman – especially in regards to housework and childcare.

Most housework and childcare is administered by the wives in marriages.

The men hold down jobs, come home from work, then plant their ass down on the sofa, tune out their wife and kids, to just sit and “zone out” while playing video games.

Studies have shown that married mothers have less free time than married husbands do, so women do not have as much time to re-charge, engage in whatever their hobbies are ((Link): Pew: Working husbands in U.S. have more leisure time than working wives do, especially among those with children)

Here’s one of the comments in this article that really stood out to me:

Sharkey [married mother who got to spend a Mother’s Day away from her children all day] basked in the kid-free, responsibility-free glory of the “anti-Mother’s Day” movement.
— end excerpts —

Women like me who recognize how draining motherhood is, how time consuming it is, how many responsibilities it comes with, who take that into consideration and decide, “Maybe motherhood is not for me,” and then there are other women who know that they know they do not want motherhood, get reamed and insulted up and down by my fellow Conservatives for being childless.

People who do not want to have children should not have them. In the areas of marriage and parenthood, Conservatives should not be shaming people (as they typically do) for knowing themselves, their limits, and what they want, don’t want, and know they would not be good at or what they are not cut out for.

For some women, that is parenting.

Some women realize they don’t have the mindset or stamina to put up with all the non-stop crap that comes with motherhood.

The fact that this woman, and so many other women – all mothers – interviewed for this article below, who say the BEST, greatest Mother’s Day gift is to spend time AWAY from their children and all the Motherhood responsibilities is a full-on admission that Motherhood is not a woman’s best, highest, most rewarding, valuable role in life!

This article’s discussion of what mothers really want for Mother’s Day – time alone, so they can escape Motherhood Responsibilities – shows how false Conservative propaganda about motherhood is.

Think about it, for all the idiots online who scream at people like me who point out that society actually over-reveres Motherhood, that corporations offering opt-outs from Mother’s Day ads is a good thing (it’ s not “anti motherhood”) – they argue it’s a day not just for society to “honor mothers,” but for families to honor their mothers, but the mothers themselves do not want to spend time around their own children, or other people’s children!
That really tells you all you need to know about “Motherhood” and Mother’s Day.

And to any new-comers to my blog: I am not against motherhood, but I am opposed to the false narratives around it (usually put out by other Conservatives), and for the shaming, criticism, and judgement by excessively pro-parenthood types, who insult adults for being childless.

Motherhood and Fatherhood do not make people more godly, loving, ethical, or responsible.
If a person lacks good character prior to marriage and parenthood, they will still lack it if they marry and have children. Getting married and having children are not instant short cuts nor guarantees to developing good ethics or standards.

The article below says that a person cannot pour from an empty cup, which is true. Unfortunately, a lot of Complementarian (Christian) and secular Conservatives brainwash women into sacrificing themselves, into becoming Codependent, or People Pleasers, and neglecting their health, hobbies, and whatever aspirations, to raise children.

Many Conservatives frown on married mothers carving out any time for themselves. Most of them would probably deny this, but they do in fact do so – they confer sainthood on to women who lose themselves to parenthood. Conservatives may not explicitly tell women to wholly sacrifice themselves, but they never-the-less convey the message in a subtle fashion.

Conservatives expect married women to always be subservient to a husband and children, and this is all aligned with secular gender stereotypes, where women are supposed to be natural at being care-takers, we women are supposed to desire to be care-takers (news flash, we do not), women are expected to give up on themselves to raise a kid and be a bang-maid for a husband.
No wonder so many married mothers are burnt out.

(Link): We’re ‘anti-Mother’s Day’ moms — we love our kids, but we deserve a vacay to do whatever we please this Sunday

by Asia Grace
May 9, 2024

Motherhood is the gift that keeps on giving — and giving, and giving until sometimes it seems you can’t take it anymore.

Brooke Sharkey, a married Brooklyn mom of a 2-year-old daughter, had nearly reached her limit just ahead of Mother’s Day last year.

But instead of having a breakdown, she got a much-needed break.

“My husband booked me a one-night stay at the Walker Hotel Tribeca the Saturday before Mother’s Day,” Sharkey, 30, a personal assistant from Bed-Stuy, told The Post. “I took a long shower, watched whatever I wanted on TV, ordered room service, scrolled through social media in peace, treated myself to a fancy dinner and caught a Broadway show.”

“It was the best Mother’s Day gift ever.”

Rather than enduring long restaurant wait times for a platter of pancakes and cold eggs at Sunday brunch, or receiving yet another bouquet of store-bought roses, Sharkey basked in the kid-free, responsibility-free glory of the “anti-Mother’s Day” movement.

It’s a trend away from the sweet, albeit stale, holiday traditions. The unconventional gift grants mom a mini “me time” vacation to sleep, nosh, primp, shop or do absolutely nothing.

Continue reading “We’re ‘Anti-Mother’s Day’ Moms — We Love Our Kids, But We Deserve a Vacation to Do Whatever We Please This Sunday by A. Grace – Mother’s Day Should Be Abolished”

Mothers Battle Each Other Over What Type Of Mothers Should be Celebrated on Mother’s Day – Mother’s Day Needs to be Abolished

Mothers Battle Each Other Over What Type Of Mothers Should be Celebrated on Mother’s Day – Mother’s Day Needs to be Abolished

I’ve seen these kinds of stories online before. There are women who are mothers to small children now who get angry and offended if anyone expects them to celebrate their mother-in-law on Mother’s Day, or any other woman who is a Mother.

I used to have a more low key, acceptance view of Mother’s Day in secular quarters – I vehemently stand opposed to churches mentioning or celebrating Mother’s Day during church services, but I used to tell Christian people on previous blog posts, “Just get your family to take you to brunch; celebrate the holiday, but on personal time, no need to subject others who find the day painful to Motherhood rhetoric during church hours.”

Now, I have ditched that view point to think nobody should celebrate or acknowledge the day at all, either in or out of church.

Largely, the women who DEMAND everyone bow down to them on Mother’s Day and they DEMAND that churches celebrate motherhood – even if doing so causes pain to infertile women who are present, or women whose mothers have recently died – are Narcissists.

Narcissists lack empathy for others, they’re very self absorbed, they have a huge sense of entitlement, and they crave Validation the way crack addicts need another hit of crack.

This is why some of these mothers become infuriated on blogs or social media if you try to reason with them about toning down Mother’s Day observance in churches.

These Narcissist Mommies don’t care about the adults present who are lacking a mother (the mother died), or the mother was abusive. All these entitled mommy cows care about is getting an effing carnation during a church service.

We’ve been at the stage the last few years where I’ve seen Mothers fight other Mothers.

You have mothers who whine and complain on social media that they are incensed that their husband expects them to divide Mother’s Day between them and the husband’s mother.

These women are jealous that Mother’s Day may be used in any capacity to recognize any other mothers. This is absurd.

I am in my 50s at this point, and I’ve never married and never had children. Society and churches do not have ceremonies or holidays to validate women such as myself, and I have survived.

If I can live without societal or church validation for my life status, so can you, Narcissist Mommies.

As one can see from all the mothers bitching, moaning, and whining about not getting what they feel to be not enough attention on Mother’s Day in the article below, it shows how Motherhood makes women immature, selfish, and shallow.

Motherhood does not make women happy, godly, mature, giving, or loving.

I have a few more comments below the excerpt here:

(Link): ‘Selfish’ moms slammed for refusing to celebrate grandmas on Mother’s Day: ‘Your time has passed’

by Brooke Kato
May 11, 2024

Who is celebrated on Mother’s Day?

The answer may seem obvious, but some matriarchs are not so keen on sharing their special day.

“It’s Mother’s Day, not Grandmother’s Day,” Emily Wehner, a family photographer in Indianapolis, said in a TikTok video last week that has scored 2.3 million views and stoked a storm of controversy.

The mom-of-two, who noted that her own mother agrees with her theory, recalled one Mother’s Day spent planning visits to see grandparents on a day that was meant to be celebrating her.

“I didn’t get to do anything for myself and I was like, ‘I’m not doing this again,’” she recounted in the clip.

Her family, she continued, celebrates grandmothers on other days during the year, and the tradition is the same for Father’s Day, too.

“This may ruffle feathers for some people, but that’s what I wanna do,” she said. “I made the boundary and I’m the one deep into the mothering right now, and so I’m gonna take the day how I wanna take the day.”

And ruffle feathers it did, sparking furious debate in the comments as to how best celebrate the mothers in their lives.

“You selfish women want your husbands to forget about their moms for you, can’t wait until your kids grow up and do the same to you,” one user slammed Wehner.

Continue reading “Mothers Battle Each Other Over What Type Of Mothers Should be Celebrated on Mother’s Day – Mother’s Day Needs to be Abolished”

Dear Abby: My Husband Has Ignored Me Ever Since I Got Pregnant

Dear Abby: My Husband Has Ignored Me Ever Since I Got Pregnant

Contrary to what my fellow Conservatives (secular and religious) often say, marriage and parenthood will not make people more godly, mature, loving, ethical, giving, or responsible!

Marriage and parenthood do not fix or improve society! Here’s another example below.

I’m not sure I agree with Abby’s response.
I’ve read numerous letters to advice columnists over the years, and it’s somewhat common for married fathers – especially Vulnerable or Communal Narcissists – to ignore the needs of their spouses and children to run off to help OTHER people.

Such men would rather “look good” to their community and be thought of as a “good guy” by their church or community by running around helping other people around them than staying home and prioritizing their own family.

(Not that the reverse doesn’t happen, because it does – some married people come to rely and focus on their spouse to such a distorted degree they actually IGNORE helping or spending time with their friends, family, and neighbors, a phenomenon known as “The Greedy Marriage.”)

This can also be a problem with Codependent men – men who ended up, for one reason or another, as People Pleasers in adulthood – who feel guilty or bad saying “No” to anyone who asks them for help.
Codependent men often meet the needs of other married women in their neighborhoods, or prioritize church projects, at the expense of the needs of their own wife and children.

This isn’t always a hormonal thing with pregnant women – some men do in fact ignore the needs of their wives to run out and help other men’s wives, or pitch in at charities helping poor people, or whatever.

But let this be another warning that contrary to Conservative propaganda about marriage, parenthood, and the nuclear family, that being married with a child is not a sure-fire recipe for being happy or finding sustained meaning in life, but these things can create problems or resentment.

(Link): Dear Abby: My Husband Has Ignored Me Ever Since I Got Pregnant

April 2024

When I met my husband, I felt valued.

But ever since I got pregnant, he no longer considers my feelings or treats me as a priority.

I have to beg for his support, but when his mom and sister need help, he is quick to help them.

The reason I married him was because he seemed loyal and dedicated to his family, and I thought he would be that way with us.

However, during the last few months of my pregnancy I have felt ignored.

Continue reading “Dear Abby: My Husband Has Ignored Me Ever Since I Got Pregnant”

Married Father Killed His Wife, Then Hunted Down and Killed 3 of His 4 Sons, Ages 12 to 18, Killed Himself, Leaving Last Son, Age 10, to Find the Bodies the Next Day

Married Father Killed His Wife, Then Hunted Down and Killed 3 of His 4 Sons, Ages 12 to 18, Killed Himself, Leaving Last Son, Age 10, to Find the Bodies the Next Day

The Nuclear Family didn’t fix society here.

Marriage and parenthood did not make this man more ethical, loving, responsible, or godly. He’s undoubtedly caused years of trauma ahead for the surviving son. That poor kid lost his entire family in one night! He will have to spend years working through that.

Marriage and parenthood did not ensure that the woman in this news story had a long lasting, happy life. If she had never married, she’d probably still be alive right now.

It’s a sad news story. Shows that marriage, parenthood, and the nuclear family is not a source of meaning and lasting happiness.

(Link): Cops describe ‘massacre’ at Oklahoma home where ‘goofy’ husband fought with his wife, shot her dead then picked off three of their four sons, leaving the youngest, 10, to wake up and find them all dead

April 24, 2024

Police have described an horrific scene that took place Sunday night in Oklahoma in which a seemingly loving husband and father killed his wife, and three of their sons before turning the gun on himself, leaving his other son, 10, to discover the bodies.

The terrifying crime left neighbors in a quiet Oklahoma City suburb shocked as some described the perpetrator, Jonathon Candy, 42, as ‘goofy’ while investigators still search for answers.

The victims has been named as Jonathon’s wife, Lindsay, 39, and sons, Dylan, 18, Ethan, 14 and Lucas, 10.

On Monday morning, ‘(the boy) woke up and discovered what had happened,’ said Sgt. Gary Knight, describing the scene as ‘carnage.’

Continue reading “Married Father Killed His Wife, Then Hunted Down and Killed 3 of His 4 Sons, Ages 12 to 18, Killed Himself, Leaving Last Son, Age 10, to Find the Bodies the Next Day”

Father Sentenced to Prison For Trying to Kill His Two Week Old Daughter with Anti-Freeze in Breastmilk Because He Didn’t Want to Pay Child Support

Father Sentenced to Prison For Trying to Kill His Two Week Old Daughter with Anti-Freeze in Breastmilk Because He Didn’t Want to Pay Child Support

Parenthood does not make men or women more ethical, loving, responsible, godly or mature, so my fellow conservatives can stop presenting it as such, and also stop telling single and childless adults that they’re selfish or failed in some way for not being married with children.

(Link): Georgia man who added antifreeze into breast milk for newborn daughter sentenced to prison


Curtis Jack was booked into the Fulton County Jail early Friday to serve his 50-year prison sentence

 By Elizabeth Pritchett / Fox News
April 12, 2024

A Georgia father was sentenced to 50 years in prison after a Fulton County jury found him guilty of poisoning breast milk for his newborn daughter with antifreeze.

Curtis Jack, who was charged with felony criminal attempt to commit murder and felony first-degree cruelty to children, was found guilty on all counts, the South Fulton Police Department said Thursday evening.

He was sentenced to 50 years in prison with 40 years to serve in custody.

Continue reading “Father Sentenced to Prison For Trying to Kill His Two Week Old Daughter with Anti-Freeze in Breastmilk Because He Didn’t Want to Pay Child Support”

Sexist Father Who Treats Women Like Sex Objects and Incubators Gets Angry When His Teen Daughter Says She Won’t Parent Any Future Children He Has By Other Women

Sexist Father Who Treats Women Like Sex Objects and Incubators Gets Angry When His Teen Daughter Says She Won’t Parent Any Future Children He Has By Other Women

(Link): 16 Y.O. Is Called Names After Telling Her Dad She Won’t Be Raising His Future Kids 


by Austėja Bliujūtė and Monika Pašukonytė

…Because, for example, this teen’s dad didn’t take it well – after telling her that he wants to have more kids so his daughter can parent them, she informed him that she will not do that. Well, this led to quite an argument and name calling.

More info: Reddit

Teen shares that she’s the only child and her dad has been wanting to have more kids for a while now so his family name doesn’t die out

 I’m 16F and my dad is 45M. I’m an only child but my dad has been wanting to have more kids for a very long time. Me and all of my cousins are girls and my dad doesn’t want the family name to die out.

One of the main reasons why my dad decided to divorce my mom was that she was pushing 40, and my dad is a lot younger than my mom and he wanted to be with someone younger than him.

My dad has been trying for 10 years to find a girlfriend in her 20s or 30s who would be perfect to marry and have children with. None of my dad’s relationships last more than a month and he usually has at least two girlfriends at a time.

My dad’s reasoning for having kids besides the whole wanting a son thing? So I can parent them. He said I can stay up with the baby the whole night and change its diapers so that he doesn’t have to take care of it. I told him that it’s ridiculous because I’m not the parent. I really want to have kids of my own one day, but I don’t want to be forced to parent a sibling!

I told my dad that he shouldn’t have more kids if that’s his reasoning. He called me an ungrateful bitch and I’m wondering if I’m in the wrong.

She told him that it’s ridiculous and he shouldn’t have more kids in this case, but she was just called a jerk

A Reddit user shared her story online asking community members if she was wrong for telling her dad not to have more kids if his reasoning is so that she can parent them. The post caught quite a lot of folks’ attention and collected 3.7K upvotes and 561 comments.

The original poster (OP) starts her story by sharing that her dad has been wanting to have more kids for a while as she and her cousins are all girls, thus dad doesn’t want the family name to die out.

She added that for around 10 years, her dad has been trying to find a young girlfriend who would be suitable to marry and have kids with.

However, OP also noted that beside dad’s wish to have a son, there is another reason for him wanting more kids – so she can parent them.

Basically, she could do everything and he wouldn’t need to worry about it. OP told him that if that’s his reason, then he shouldn’t have any more kids, which was met with name calling.

Continue reading “Sexist Father Who Treats Women Like Sex Objects and Incubators Gets Angry When His Teen Daughter Says She Won’t Parent Any Future Children He Has By Other Women”

Former Mormon Homemaker, 49, Lays Bare ‘Dangerous’ Truth About Life as a ‘Trad Wife’: Woman Who Wed Husband at Age 20 Reveals Misery of Tending to His Every Need While Raising Their Four Children.

Former Mormon Homemaker, 49, Lays Bare ‘Dangerous’ Truth About Life as a ‘Trad Wife’: Woman Who Wed Husband at Age 20 Reveals Misery of Tending to His Every Need While Raising Their Four Children.

God bless the ex -Trad Wives who are going public with the pitfalls, traps, and problems with being a ‘Trad Wife,’ because some Conservatives are heavily and regularly promoting this sort of thing to young ladies.

I myself am a Conservative, but too many other Conservatives frame The Nuclear Family, Motherhood, and Marriage in totally un-Biblical terms. They will often spread propaganda to young, single women that being single and childless will make them miserable, and that their only meaning and purpose and happiness in life can be found in marriage and motherhood.

I am not opposed to The Nuclear Family, marriage, or parenthood, but I recognize that Conservatives make false promises regarding the Nuclear Family, marriage, and parenthood.

There have been studies showing that single and childless adults (or childless married couples) are just as, if not, more happy than married couples with children.

I have plenty of anecdotes on my blog of married parents who admit to being miserable with parenthood or miserable in marriage. I have plenty of news stories on my blog of married people who have affairs or murder their spouse or of parents who murder their own children.

I am not against marriage or parenthood, but marriage and parenthood are not guarantees of stable (or life-long) happiness and purpose in life, nor of dying surrounded in love, warmth, and the presence of family – you can be a married parent but still die all alone in a hospital bed.

About a year or more ago, Conservative publication authors at the The Federalist became hopping angry and upset that so many secular online magazines were showcasing stories of mothers who publicly admit to regretting motherhood.

The guys at The Federalist actually ran one essay begging mothers to submit essays to them saying how much they adore being mothers, because they want to publish those to counter-act all the “motherhood regret” testimonies.

I would not be surprised as more and more of these “Trad Wife Regret” testimonies begin being published (I’m starting to see more of them in the last few months), if we don’t again see sexist d-bag Conservatives – who worship The Nuclear Family, motherhood, and marriage – such as Mark Driscoll, Lyman Stone, Matt Walsh, and more, begin screaming and complaining about the “Trad Wife Regret” stories.

I think ex Trad Wives or Moms who publicly discuss the problems and stress with being a Trad Wife or a mother are providing a valuable public service to young women, or I guess women of any age. Girls and women should hear both sides of a lifestyle choice, not only the glowing, rosy, positive aspects.

I am a middle-aged, never married and childless Conservative woman, and my life is more or less doing fine – my life is not perfect, but nobody’s is, not even lives of married mothers.

I am not miserable being single and childless. Any problems I may have are not due to being single and childless.

I had wanted to be married, but as I grew older, I accepted my single status and am doing okay with that now.

The mere existence of single, childless Conservative women like myself who are well-adjusted shows how false Conservative negative narratives about single, childless ladies are.

If you remain never-married and childless over the age of 40, though you had wanted marriage and/or children, is not a guarantee that you will feel or be miserable for the rest of your life – unless you choose to be.

By all means, if you had hoped to marry but end up still single by age 40 or older, yes, allow yourself a few years to grieve, cry, and feel angry about  marriage not coming to pass for you, but determine to move on and enjoy your life as it is anyway.

You do not need a romantic partner or have a child to find meaning, have goals, be happy, or just enjoy life. If you determine to get to that point, where you can be content in your singleness (or in being childless), you can get there – it’s only the Nuclear Family worshippers like Matt Walsh-es, Al Mohler-s, and Brad Wilcox-es, and so on, who want to try to convince you otherwise.

(Link): Former Mormon homemaker, 49, lays bare ‘DANGEROUS’ truth about life as a ‘trad wife’: Woman who wed husband at AGE 20 reveals misery of tending to his every need while raising their four children

April 24, 2024
by Amy Walters

A former trad wife is sharing her harrowing journey in a bid to warn other women against the lifestyle as it sees a rise in popularity.

For Jennie Gage, from Arizona, this is a life she knows all too well – but one that the 49-year-old gracefully left behind after realizing that she had become ‘trapped.’

Now, she’s urging young women not to get caught up in the trend, which gets its name from the abbreviated ‘traditional wife.’

‘Do not ever become a trad wife,’ the social media advocate said.

‘A man is not a plan – he can be your lover, boyfriend, roommate, husband, whatever – but he should never be your financial plan.

‘No adult human should ever be dependent on another adult.

‘The greatest tragedy in my story is that I’m smart, capable and hard-working.

‘It’s a dangerous lifestyle that needs to stop being promoted.’

Jennie was raised in a conservative Mormon family, where all the women were taught to stay at home, and attend to domestic duties and childrearing while the men brought home the bacon.

From a young age, she recalls being told that, as a woman, she was sent to Earth to be a wife and mother – nothing else.

And while this way of life was all she knew, Jennie had a different dream in mind.

Continue reading “Former Mormon Homemaker, 49, Lays Bare ‘Dangerous’ Truth About Life as a ‘Trad Wife’: Woman Who Wed Husband at Age 20 Reveals Misery of Tending to His Every Need While Raising Their Four Children.”

Florida Woman, Her Boyfriend, and Her Son Allegedly Live-Streamed Child Rape for Paying Perverts Online Over Many Years

Florida Woman, Her Boyfriend, and Her Son Allegedly Live-Streamed Child Rape for Paying Perverts Online Over Many Years

Motherhood does not make people being more loving, kind, ethical, or godly.

(Link): Florida woman, her boyfriend, and her son allegedly live-streamed child rape for paying perverts online over many years


Florida woman, her boyfriend, and her son allegedly live-streamed child rape for paying perverts online over many years

MARCH 08, 2024

Florida police say that a woman, her boyfriend, and her son sexually assaulted children and streamed the abuse live online for others to watch.

Investigators said a four-month-long investigation and an FBI raid at a Boca Racon home led to the arrest of 38-year-old Walquiria Cassini, her 20-year-old son Matthew Cassini, and her 38-year-old boyfriend Ryan Londono.

Cassini is charged with sexually abusing two children, including abuse of a 10-year-old that began when he was 5 years old. The other child was 9 years old when the abuse allegedly began. She is also charged with criminal conspiracy and cruelty to a child.

An arrest warrant said FBI found tripods, ring cameras, and other evidence used in live-streaming the abuse videos. They said that they accepted payment through a Venmo account.

Continue reading “Florida Woman, Her Boyfriend, and Her Son Allegedly Live-Streamed Child Rape for Paying Perverts Online Over Many Years”

Michael Davis Jailed For Snapping Neck of His 4 Month Old Son, Mother Found Guilty of Allowing Abuse to Happen; They Were Planning Their Wedding, the Mom Tried to Sell Dead Son’s Baby Clothing Online

Michael Davis Jailed For Snapping Neck of His 4 Month Old Son, Mother Found Guilty of Allowing Abuse to Happen; They Were Planning Their Wedding, the Mom Tried to Sell Dead Son’s Baby Clothing Online

Parenthood and marriage do not make people loving, godly, ethical, mature, or responsible.

Poor little baby.

I hope that the baby’s father gets tortured by other inmates in prison and then shivved to death. I hope the wack-job Muslims who live in the UK who like to attack Westerners can make them selves useful for once and throw acid in the mother’s face. Yes, I sincerely mean that. Both parents are POS (Pieces of Shit).

(Link): Michael Davis given life sentence for murdering his baby son – who suffered a ‘snapped neck’

Ollie Davis was just a month old when he was found lifeless in his bedroom in Leicester with 37 fractures, including more than 20 broken ribs.

A father who murdered his month-old baby son – who died after suffering a “snapped neck” – has been sentenced to life in prison.

Ollie Davis was found lifeless in his crib in the bedroom he shared with his parents in Leicester in October 2017 with more than 20 broken ribs and fractures to his skull, collar bone, both arms and the joints of all his limbs.

Michael Davis, 29, was found guilty of his murder and two counts of grievous bodily harm last month, while the baby’s mother Kayleigh Driver, 31, was convicted of causing or allowing the death of a child and causing or allowing serious physical injury.

The pair were found guilty after a two-month trial which heard Ollie’s “neck was snapped between four and eight days prior to his death”.

…”A broken neck was not the only injury Ollie sustained. Medical investigation revealed Ollie had sustained a total of 37 fractures.

“They included fractures to the skull, his collar bone, both arms between the shoulder and the elbow, 23 rib fractures and fractures to the joints of all four limbs.

Continue reading “Michael Davis Jailed For Snapping Neck of His 4 Month Old Son, Mother Found Guilty of Allowing Abuse to Happen; They Were Planning Their Wedding, the Mom Tried to Sell Dead Son’s Baby Clothing Online”

Man Who Pretended to Be Too Stupid to Engage in Child Care, Told Wife She’d Find Life Harder Without Him, Begs Her to Take Him Back Once He Gets 50% Child Custody After Their Divorce and Sees How Hard Parenting Is – Also: Weaponized Incompetence

Man Who Pretended to Be Too Stupid to Engage in Child Care, Told Wife She’d Find Life Harder Without Him, Begs Her to Take Him Back Once He Gets 50% Child Custody After Their Divorce and Sees How Hard Parenting Is – Also: Weaponized Incompetence

Note in this story that marriage and parenthood did not make this man more responsible, mature, godly, ethical, loving, or godly.

On the contrary, a lot of married men (and some married women) get lazy in a marriage and their spouse ends up taking on more housework or childcare, while the spouse sits around all day after they get home from work playing video games or watching NetFlix.

This post gets into the topic of Weaponized Incompetence, which a lot of men use against their girlfriends or wives – they pretend to be too stupid to  know how to do household chores, or they claim to not know what needs to be done around the house unless the spouse specifically tells them what needs to be done, or what not, so that the girlfriend or wife ends up doing it all.

I’ve previously in my life had women friends and women co-workers on jobs who played victimized or dumb so that I’d do their job tasks for them – and I’m a woman, I’m not a man.

This Weaponized Incompetence tactic can be found among some women, but it seems to be more common among men in romantic relationships, where the man feigns incompetence so that his wife will take on more of the housework or childcare.

(Link): This Guy Said His Wife Kept “Complaining” That He Wasn’t Helping With Their Baby, And Now He’s Confused As To How She’s Doing Better Without Him

“He just wants his household manager, housekeeper, and free in-home childcare back. He is sad because the divorce made life harder for him.”

by Alexa Lisitza
April 17, 2024

There has been a lot of discussion about weaponized incompetence, which refers to when someone pretends they don’t know how to do something so that someone else will do it, and it’s especially common in relationships.

A perfect example of weaponized incompetence recently went viral when husband and father Puzzleheaded_No3393 (who we’ll call Puzzle) shared why his wife asked for a divorce in a now-deleted post that was saved for viewing by moderators

 Here’s what happened in Puzzle’s own words: “I’m not looking for pity or understanding here. I know I’m not getting it. Me and my ex-wife have a 14-month-old son. After he was born our marriage fell apart,” he said.

“She said I wasn’t pulling my weight with childcare and chores, but at the same time, she expected me to know what to do without her telling me. It was bad. We argued a lot and I ended up telling her that her life would be harder without me. She got really quiet and I thought that was the end of the argument. It made things fall apart and we are getting divorced.”

 Now, “We’re living separately; each got a new apartment. As for our son, the law in our state [Kentucky] is that 50/50 is the default custody arrangement.”

“It is automatic unless one parent proves neglect on the part of the other. We don’t have that, so on the advice of both our lawyers, we are splitting time and doing alternating weeks since we separated. We usually switch on Mondays with the daycare pickup and drop-off.”

“I knew being a single parent wasn’t easy but I didn’t really know until now. This is where I realize how badly I fucked up because I’m drowning. The weeks I have my son, I don’t get anything done, and I can barely even function at work because I’m so exhausted.”

“I spend the whole week I don’t have him catching up and I can’t even get everything done. My apartment is a mess and I can hardly keep up with errands and chores. It sucks. I realize I fucked up because I thought since I was having a hard time, my wife would be too, and we could call off the divorce and work on things. But she doesn’t want to.”

“She says her life is easier without me and she is the opposite of me and can apparently keep up everything fine. She says she isn’t exhausted anymore and realized it’s easier having one person to take care of instead of two.”

“I know I messed up and should have been a better husband. I can’t even ask for less time with my son because I can’t afford the child support. Right now, neither of us has [to pay child support] because of 50/50 and equal income, but if we go off 50/50, my lawyer says the person with less time will pay child support. I hate myself for fucking up so much. Wtf did I do?”

Puzzle said he was not looking for pity and knew he wouldn’t get it, and WOW was he right.

“So buddy wants her back to just keep getting out of chores and so he can go back to that good lifestyle?” user Fit-Humor-5022 posed after reading the post.

JoBeWriting responded in agreement: “That’s what stood out to me too,” they said. “In all that rant, not one word of ‘oh, my wife is beautiful, she is smart, she is my best friend, I miss her so much, etc.’ No. Just, ‘I realized caring for a toddler is hard, actually, and I need Wife Mom to do it for me.'”

People had no sympathy, largely because he didn’t appear to feel bad for unloading all duties onto his wife. “He doesn’t even regret it because he realizes how truly wrong he is. He admits he messed up and that it’s his fault the marriage fell apart, but to me this doesn’t feel like genuine remorse or a desire for redemption,” user lapetitlis said.

“He just wants his household manager, housekeeper, and free in-home childcare back. He is sad because it’s made life harder for him. I get the feeling that even if he promised to change and she took him back, things would go right back to ‘normal,’ with Puzzle’s wife exhausted and overwhelmed.”

I mean, how can you feel bad when he assumed his wife would have an equally hard time raising a baby she had already been basically raising by herself for over a year?

“His stupid ass thought she couldn’t manage without him?” user WeeklyConversation8 said. “She already was, which is why she was fine when he left. Now he’s realized how much she actually does. He wasn’t contributing anything, except stress.”

(Link): Dad Says 50/50 Custody Has Him ‘Drowning’ But His Wife Won’t Get Back Together Because It’s Cut Her Workload In Half

He claimed that his life would be much easier if his wife was handling all of the childcare responsibilities again.

By Nia Tipton
Apr 09, 2024

A dad admitted that he can’t handle joint custody with his ex-wife and is finding it hard to be a single parent.

Posting to the subreddit “r/TrueOffMyChest,” he claimed that he wasn’t looking for “pity” or “understanding” about his situation but revealed that he’s hoping his wife will change her mind about their divorce so that he doesn’t have to be responsible for their son without her help.

He said 50/50 custody has him ‘drowning,’ but his wife won’t get back together because it’s cut her workload in half.
In his Reddit post, later uploaded to X, he explained that he and his wife have a 14-month-old son, and shortly after he was born, their marriage fell apart. She accused him of not pulling his weight when it came to both childcare and household responsibilities, but he disputed, saying that at the same time, she expected him to know what to do without telling him.

Unfortunately, this is the reality in many heterosexual marriages and relationships, made even worse when children are involved. According to the Pew Research Center, 78% of mothers say they do more than their spouse or partner when it comes to managing their children’s schedule and activities, 65% of mothers help their children with homework or other school assignments, 58% provide comfort or emotional support to their children, and 57% meet their children’s basic needs, such as feeding, bathing or changing diapers.

Mothers also tend to take on more household chores and responsibilities; 41% of married or cohabiting parents say this is the case in their households, compared with just 8% who say the father does more.

The dad said the disparity between him and his wife caused them to argue all the time, and he told her that her life would be much harder without him.

Needless to say, that was the last straw, and divorce followed shortly after.

Now, the two of them live separately, and since they’re in the state of Kentucky, 50/50 custody is the default agreement.

“It is automatic unless one parent proves neglect on the part of the other. We don’t have that, so on the advice of both our lawyers, we are splitting time and doing alternating weeks since we separated. We usually switch on Mondays with the daycare pickup and drop off,” he explained.

However, now that he’s a single parent, he’s finding it hard to adjust to caring for his son when he does have him. He admitted that he was “drowning” and didn’t really know what he was in for with having split custody of his child.

Continue reading “Man Who Pretended to Be Too Stupid to Engage in Child Care, Told Wife She’d Find Life Harder Without Him, Begs Her to Take Him Back Once He Gets 50% Child Custody After Their Divorce and Sees How Hard Parenting Is – Also: Weaponized Incompetence”

Texas Mother Arrested for Abandoning Small Children So She Could Go on Caribbean Cruise Vacation: Police

Texas Mother Arrested for Abandoning Small Children So She Could Go on Caribbean Cruise Vacation: Police

Motherhood does not make women more mature, godly, loving, responsible, or ethical – another example:

(Link): Texas mom left young kids, 6 and 8, home alone for nearly a week while she vacationed on a cruise: cops 


A Texas mother was arrested after she allegedly abandoned her two young kids to go on a cruise — leaving the children home alone for nearly a week, officials said.

Lakesha Woods Williams, 29, was hit with two charges of child endangerment last Thursday after officers found her 8-year-old and 6-year-old alone in their high-rise apartment complex in Houston with no adult supervision, according to the Harris Country Constable- Precinct 5.

Willimas left her kids to take her solo vacation on April 4 and returned the night of April 10. She was arrested the following day.

(Link): Texas mother arrested for abandoning small children so she could go on Caribbean cruise vacation: Police


by Paul Sacca
April 14, 2024

Texas mother was arrested last week for abandoning her two small children so that she could go on a Caribbean cruise vacation, according to police.

On Thursday, 29-year-old Lakesha Woods Williams was arrested on two charges of child endangerment.

Williams is alleged to have left her 6-year-old and 8-year-old children alone in her high-rise apartment in the Memorial neighborhood of Houston. Police say the mother left her kids alone at home for six days as she took a Caribbean cruise vacation.

Williams abandoned her children so that she could fly to Miami and then vacation on a cruise ship that traveled to Puerto Rico.

Police conducted a welfare check on the children on April 9, and found the abandoned children. The small children informed law enforcement that their mother had left them alone to go on a Caribbean cruise.

Continue reading “Texas Mother Arrested for Abandoning Small Children So She Could Go on Caribbean Cruise Vacation: Police”