Unmarried Man Kills Pregnant Neighbor Over Repeatedly Asking Him ‘When Are You Getting Married?’

Unmarried Man Kills Pregnant Neighbor Over Repeatedly Asking Him ‘When Are You Getting Married?’

Motherhood did not prevent this woman from being murdered, nor from being rude and a nag.

If there is one thing many un-married adults despise, it’s friends and family nagging them about “why aren’t you married yet,” “when are you getting married,” and “aren’t you dating anyone right now.” Nobody likes being hounded about things like that.

I don’t mean to confuse married adults out there – if you have a single friend who desires marriage, it is possible that she (or he) would maybe like to occasionally discuss it with you, and they are simply looking for an empathetic ear to listen to them talk about how disappointed or frustrated they are that they have not found a suitable partner yet.

That does not mean, however, that single adults who desire marriage want to be constantly hounded or grilled about their love lives all the time by married friends and family.

Single adults do want to be seen as full, whole people, so if you are friends with a single adult, ask them about their hobbies, their pet, their career, and not who they are dating – do not define your single friend by his or her singleness.

Do not make every conversation revolve around their dating life, or how they’re upset they’re still single…
but again, there may be times this single friend, yes, does want to vent about how tired they are being single, and you should make space for that, just listen and empathize, but resist the urge to give advice or platitudes in such situations.

I’m not condoning this guy murdering his neighbor, but I sure do understand why he felt motivated to do so. You people that badger singles about being single, who shame us for being single, are obnoxious and tiresome.

This story is from 2018, but I am just now seeing it in 2024.

(Link): 28-Year-Old Man Kills 32-Year-Old Pregnant Woman For Asking ‘When Are You Getting Married?’


On 19 January 2018, a 28-year-old man murdered a pregnant lady who was his neighbor for repeatedly asking the suspect, “When are you getting married?” This outrageous incident took place in Kampung Pasir Jonge, Indonesia.

According to the reports, 28-year-old Faiz Nurdin killed a 32-year-old pregnant woman named Aisyah. …

 (Link): Man kills neighbour over ‘When are you getting married?’ question


February 2018

…But a 28-year-old man in Indonesia has taken it too far and murdered his pregnant neighbour after he was offended by her repeated inquiry about his singlehood, according to media reports.

The shocking incident took place in Kampung Pasir Jonge on January 19. The victim was identified as 32-year-old Aisyah.

According to reports, while visiting Faiz Nurdin that day at his house, Aisyah had asked him get married as soon as possible as others were already married, a police spokesperson quoted the perpetrator as saying.

The spokesperson said Faiz also felt offended when she asked him, “Why aren’t you getting married yet?” Later in the day, according to reports, an insulted Faiz went to Aisyah’s home and strangled her to death with his bare hands in her bedroom….

(Link): Man kills pregnant neighbour who asked “Why aren’t you getting married?”

February 7, 2018

A police spokesperson disclosed that the murder suspect felt irritated about a woman’s question asking when he was going to get married.

In Kampung Pasir Jonge, Indonesia, the police have arrested a 28-year-old man, Faiz Nurdin who strangled a pregnant neighbour when she asked him about

The deceased, Aisyah, a 32-year-old woman, was reportedly strangled to death in her bedroom following a conversation she had with the suspect at his residence.

Nurdin allegedly made away with the victim’s phone and a $59 cash after the alleged murder, presumably in a bid to clear his trail.

A police spokesperson who spoke anonymously confirmed that the murder suspect strangled the victim because he was angry about being pressured concerning tying the knot.

“Faiz get married, the others are already married, why aren’t you getting married yet?’ These words offended the suspect,” says a rep for Indonesia’s law enforcement department.
— end —

I’d really encourage married people to stop nagging or harassing their single friends to get married, stop grilling us singletons about our love lives (or lack there-of), stop asking us why we are still single, when are we getting married, and stop giving us your unsolicited opinion about why you think we are still single. We don’t need the shaming and blaming.

If we’re single and want to marry and would like to cry on your shoulder and vent about our unwanted singleness, then just listen and empathize on those occasions, but don’t constantly badger us about why we’re single, or ask us every time you speak to us if we are dating.
It’s obnoxious or can be hurtful. Don’t make our singleness our entire identity.

This lady badgered her single friend and shamed him over his singleness repeatedly, and she paid the ultimate price. There is a lesson here for all the married people who think it’s acceptable to constantly question or shame a single over their singleness.


(Link): ‘Why Are You Single’ Lists That Do Not Pathologize Singles by Bella DePaulo  

(Link): Guy So Depressed Over Being Single He Cut Off His Own Penis (article)

(Link): Why Aren’t More People Getting Married? Ask Women What Dating Is Like. by A. L. Sussman

(Link): An Open Letter to Male Virgins by Anna Broadway

(Link): Video for Single Women: on Not Caving in to the Fear Mongering or Societal Expectations About Being Single at Age 30+

(Link):  Celibate Christian Woman Asks Christian Host (Pat Robertson) Why God Will Not Send Her a Husband

(Link):  Stop Telling Your Single Friends to Try Dating Sites – Please

(Link): 34 Year Old Single Woman Harassed by Relatives at Wedding Over Why She Is Not Married Yet Asks How To Get Them to STFU About Her Singleness

(Link): Jesus Christ Removed the Stigma, Shame From Being Single and Childless – by David Instone Brewer

(Link): Who Are “Incels”? Behind the Misogynistic Ideology That Inspired The Toronto Suspect

(Link): Graduate Man Who Was Unhappy Being Single, Frustrated He Couldn’t Get a Girlfriend, Hooked on Violent Porn, Terrified Women With Instagram ‘Rape List’ In Stalking Campaign

(Link): I’m 45, Single And Childless. No, There’s Nothing ‘Wrong’ With Me. by M Notkin

(Link): Thirty Year Old Woman Kills Herself Due to Being Single and Childless – Churches contribute to this by either Ignoring adult singles or shaming them for being single and childless

(Link): I’m a [Single / Unmarried] Woman, and my Church Didn’t Know What To Do With That – by A D Abdallah

(Link):  The Myth of the Career Woman by M. Notkin – Why Women Are Still Single in Their 30s and Older

(Link):  When Adult Virginity and Adult Celibacy Are Viewed As Inconvenient or As Impediments

(Link): Fifteen Things You Shouldn’t Say or Do To Your Single Friends

(Link): The Obligatory, “Oh, but if you’re single you can still benefit from my marriage sermon” line

(Link):  Five Things Single Women Hate to Hear

(Link): List of Christian Singlehood Annoyances, Part 1

(Link): List of Christian Singlehood Annoyances, Part 2

(Link): Couples Who Marry Due to Family, Social Pressure 50% More Likely to Divorce: Study – reportage by Leonardo Blair

(Link): Myths About Never Married Adults Over Age 40

(Link): Six Hurtful Things to Stop Saying to Singles in Your Church by H. Bolinger

(Link): Please Stop Shaming Me for Being Single by J. Vadnal

(Link):  Five Unhelpful Things Singles Are Tired Of Hearing by R. Duncan / Eight Things You Should Never Say To Your Single Friends by K. Wilkinson

(Link): Unmarried and Childless Women Are the Happiest, Happiness Expert Claims (2019 Study)

(Link): What Not to Say to Single Women in the Church by L. Anderson

(Link): Do You Feel Shame About Being Single? By John Amodeo, PhD

(Link): Research: Being Single [or Fear of Being Single] is a Meaningful Predictor of Settling for Less in Relationships

(Link): Celebrating Milestones in the Lives of Single Adults – by Anna Broadway

(Link): “Protect Yourself”: Gen X Woman Warns People Against The Tradwife Trend After Being One Herself 

(Link): True Love Waits . . . and Waits . . . and Waits – editorial about delayed marriage and related issues

(Link): In ‘Rift,’ Author Cait West Talks Breaking Free from Christian Patriarchy – ”You Will Be A Child Until You Get Married” – by K. Post

(Link):  Church Going Married Mother of Four Has Had Sex With Over 20 Men Not Her Husband While Married – Marriage & Motherhood Brings This Woman Misery

(Link):  Worrying ‘Married Single Moms’ Trend Shows that Modern Relationships are ‘Not Working’

(Link): A Single Mother, Who Was Raised Evangelical Christian, Speaks Out On How the ‘TradWife’ Lifestyle Led to Her Divorce

(Link): Women Are Divorcing – And Finally Finding Happiness by Lyn Lenz

(Link): Why Is the Pundit Class Suddenly So Marriage-Obsessed? by J. Weiss

(Link): Would Jesus Shame Single Christian Women? [No, He Would Not] by G. Dalfonzo

(Link): Bizarre: Women Who Are Genuinely Fine With Being Single or Childless and Who Publicly Admit It Deeply Disturb or Infuriate Sexist Incel Types and My Fellow Conservatives, Who Want Such Women to Harbor a Victim Mindset

(Link): Adult Singles Do Not Need A Marital Partner to Be Whole or Complete

(Link): Really, It’s Okay To Be Single – In order to protect marriage, we should be careful not to denigrate singleness – by Peter Chin

(Link): Dear Prudence: Help! I’m Glad My Awful Husband Is Dead.

(Link): Top 13 Reasons Why People Don’t Want to Get Married Any More – and Why Staying Single Makes You Happier

(Link): Conservatives Are Now “DINK” Shaming – It’s Not Enough for Marriage Idolizing Conservatives to Shame Single Women for Being Single, They Even Bash Married Couples for Being Happily Childless

(Link): Are Marriage and Family A Woman’s Highest Calling? by Marcia Wolf – and other links that address the Christian fallacy that a woman’s most godly or only proper role is as wife and mother

(Link):  “Who is my mother and who are my brothers?” – one of the most excellent Christian rebuttals I have seen against the Christian idolatry of marriage and natalism, and in support of adult singleness and celibacy – from CBE’s site

(Link): When Marriage and Motherhood Become Idols by J. Oshman

(Link): Matt Walsh Again Insults Single, Childless Woman For Being Single, Childless and Enjoying Her Life

(Link): Typical Incorrect Conservative Christian Assumption: If you want marriage bad enough, Mr. Right will magically appear

(Link): Authors at The Federalist Keep Bashing Singleness in the Service of Promoting Marriage – Which Is Not Okay

(Link): Ignore Al Pacino – Experts Tell Career-Focused Men to Try for a Family by 35 – Men Also Have a ‘Biological Clock’

(Link): Loving the Childfree People in Your Church, by S. Burden

(Link): Lies The Church Tells Single Women (by Sue Bohlin) (Re: About Marriage, Being Single, Being Childless / Childfree Vs Being a Mother)

(Link): Is Singleness A Sin? by Camerin Courtney

(Link): The Gross, Shaming Natalism Propaganda on Gab Platform by Its Rude Members, Including By Roman Catholics and Other Conservatives

(Link): The Myth of the Career Woman by M. Notkin – Why Women Are Still Single in Their 30s and Older 

(Link):  Craigslist confessional: I’m in my 40s, never married, and a virgin—but I’m happy by Abigail

(Link): Why We Thought Marriage Made Us Healthier, and Why We Were Wrong by Bella DePaulo

(Link):  I Want to Divorce My Unbelievably Selfish Husband, Advice by S. L. Brown

(Link): Southern Baptist Al Mohler Intimates That Childless And Childfree Adults Are  Not Human (2019) – and He Thinks This is a Good and Biblical Worldview

(Link): I’m in My 40s, Child-Free and Happy. Why Won’t Anyone Believe Me? By Glynnis MacNicol

(Link): The Bizarre, Misguided Shaming of Single and Childless or Childfree Women by Pro-Lifer Abby Johnson – (Not All Single, Childless Women are Liberal, Pro-Choice Feminists)

(Link): I Divorced My Dying Husband – He Wallowed in Self-Pity and Killed My Vibe – (or Maybe She Was a Codependent Tired Of Providing Emotional Labor for a Covert Narcissist)

(Link):  Myth 18: Divorce is the Unpardonable Sin and ‘God Hates Divorce’ by G. Baskerville 

(Link): Worrying ‘Married Single Moms’ Trend Shows that Modern Relationships are ‘Not Working’

(Link): “I Had Been Ignoring My Feelings For So Long”: Women Are Recalling The Precise Moment They Realized They Needed To End Their Long-Term Relationship by Raven Ishak

(Link): Someone Asks Women What They Consider To Be A Bad Marriage, And They Don’t Hold Back (30 Answers)

(Link): Dear Abby – She Wants A Divorce From the Husband Who Hid His Vulnerable Narcissism (Emotional Abuse, Extreme Pessimism, Victim Mentality, etc) While They Were Dating

(Link): Why and How Romantic Relationships Stay Together or Fall Apart – “Science says lasting relationships come down to—you guessed it—kindness and generosity”

(Link): I Appear Successful, But Since Having Kids I Feel I’ve Lost Myself by Annalisa Barbieri (Letter from a Married Mother Who Has Depression, Low Self Esteem)

(Link): Miserable in a Marriage to a Covert Narcissist – Content by Renee Swanson (This Content Can Help Single Adults Too) – Complementarians Push People to Stay in Toxic Marriages Like This One

(Link): Married Father, SBC Pastor, Who Wrote Complementarian Marital Advice Books With His Wife Fired After Flirting With, Texting, Other Men and Underaged Boys

(Link): The Nauseating Push by Evangelicals for Early Marriage

(Link): Christians Advise Singles To Follow Certain Dating Advice But Then Shame, Criticize, or Punish Singles When That Advice Does Not Work

(Link):  Mothers Make Motherhood Look and Sound Bad – Not Childless Women. Also: Mothers Watch Television, Too

(Link): Myth 18: Divorce is the Unpardonable Sin and ‘God Hates Divorce’ by G. Baskerville 

(Link): Dear Abby: I Just Got Out of the Hospital and My Husband Still Expects Me to Cook for Him

(Link): The Irrelevancy To Single or Childless or Childfree Christian Women of Biblical Gender Complementarian Roles / Biblical Womanhood Teachings

(Link): Woman Says She is Lonely in Marriage to Husband Who Ignores Her in Favor of His Job, Watching TV, etc.

(Link): The Problem with Worshipping Romance by M. Lewis

(Link): Husband-Hunting is the Worst Part of a Christian Upbringing – Christianity Made Me Obsessed with Finding a Husband – by B. Ramos

(Link): Single Adult Christian Pressured Into Marriage by Her Church – And Regrets It

(Link): To the Christians (especially married ones) Who Like to Instruct Single Christian Adults They Should Only Marry Other Christians, Listen Up (Re: Equally Yoked Rule)

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